Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links
³H[SORVLYH ´ EXW ZHUH VXEVHTXHQWO\ GHOHWHG EHIRUH HQDFWPHQW WKH /HJLVODWXUH PXVW KDYH LQWHQGHG WR H[FOXGH WKHVH LWHPV IURP WKH GH¿QLWLRQ RI DQ ³H[SORVLYH´ XQGHU WKH $FW 7KH /HJLVODWXUH KDV QRW VLQFH DPHQGHG WKH $FW WR LQFOXGH VPRNHOHVV DQG EODFN gun powder. It is, therefore, reasonable to conclude that, since the Legislature has chosen not to regulate smokeless and black gun powder, it likewise did not intend to include small arms ammunition primers and black powder ignition caps which contain VPDOOHU H[SORVLYH FKDUJHV XVHG WR GHWRQDWH WKHVH PDWHULDOV ,W LV P\ RSLQLRQ WKHUHIRUH WKDW VPDOO DUPV DPPXQLWLRQ SULPHUV DQG EODFN SRZGHU LJQLWLRQ FDSV GR QRW IDOO ZLWKLQ WKH GH¿ - QLWLRQ RI ³H[SORVLYH´ UHJXODWHG E\ WKH ([SORVLYHV $FW RI The Legislature is, of course, free to amend the Act if it determines that these devices should be regulated under its provi sions. JENNIFER M. GRANHOLM Attorney General
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