Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links
Answering your third question, it is my opinion that, if carried openly, no license would be required since the weapon would not be concealed. However, if carried concealed, a license would be required regardless of whether the clip or cylinder were removed. People v. Williamson , 200 Mich. 342. 5HSO\LQJ WR \RXU IRXUWK TXHVWLRQ 2SLQLRQ 1R 2 GDWHG -XO\ FRS\ RI ZKLFK LV HQFORVHG UHODWLYH WR SODQW SUR WHFWLRQ PHQ ZKR DUH PHPEHUV RI WKH DX[LOLDU\ PLOLWDU\ SROLFH VHHPV WR FRYHU WKDW VLWXDWLRQ DGHTXDWHO\ +RZHYHU DV WR SODQW SURWHFWLRQ PHQ ZKR DUH QRW PHPEHUV RI PLOLWDU\ SROLFH DX[LOLDU\ LW LV P\ RSLQLRQ WKDW D OLFHQVH WR FDUU\ FRQFHDOHG ZHDSRQV LV required. No license would be required if the weapons are carried openly. Very truly yours, JOHN R. DETHMERS, Attorney General. :+7 PS
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