kolja certificate
Handgun Training Specialists This is to Certify That Kolja Donaj Has complected a Pistol Safety and Firearms Law Training Course
Case Number: 22-005467 Kolja Donaj has completed 1 0 hour Pistol Safety and Firearms Law c ourse of study in accordance with the probation requirements regarding the charge of Reckless Discharge of a Firearm . The course includes a three part study manual and written test s . All have been satisfactorily completed.
Issued at Handgun Training Specialists 556 Tennyson, Rochester Hills, Mi. 48307 248-309-9579 04 / 30 /20 23
Gerald Wrage
Gerald A. Wrage NRA Certified Instructor
Certified on this d ate
ID Number 3873142 Expiration Date 11/20/20 2 4 CPL Firearms Law and Use Of Force Instructor
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