Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links
the relevant licensing or regulatory department to perform a check of all relevant registries established according to federal DQG VWDWH ODZ DQG UHJXODWLRQV IRU DQ\ VXEVWDQWLDWHG ¿QGLQJV RI DEXVH QHJOHFW RU PLVDSSURSULDWLRQ RI SURSHUW\ 7KH UHTXHVW shall be made in a manner prescribed by the department of state police and the relevant licensing or regulatory department RU DJHQF\ 7KH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ VKDOO PDNH WKH ZULWWHQ FRQVHQW DQG LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DYDLODEOH WR WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI VWDWH SROLFH DQG WKH UHOHYDQW OLFHQVLQJ RU UHJXODWRU\ GHSDUWPHQW RU DJHQF\ 8QWLO -XQH LI WKH GHSDUWPHQW of state police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation charges a fee for conducting the criminal history check, the charge shall EH SDLG E\ RU UHLPEXUVHG E\ WKH GHSDUWPHQW 8QWLO -XQH WKH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ VKDOO QRW VHHN reimbursement for a charge imposed by the department of state police or the federal bureau of investigation from the individual ZKR LV WKH VXEMHFW RI WKH FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ FKHFN %HJLQQLQJ -XO\ LI WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI VWDWH SROLFH RU WKH )HGHUDO %XUHDX of Investigation charges a fee for conducting the criminal history check, the charge shall be paid by the adult foster care facility, WKH VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ RU WKH LQGLYLGXDO 7KH GHSDUWPHQW RI VWDWH SROLFH VKDOO FRQGXFW D FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ FKHFN RQ WKH LQGLYLGXDO named in the request. The department of state police shall provide the department with a written report of the criminal history check conducted under this subsection. The report shall contain any criminal history record information on the individual maintained by the department of state police. 8SRQ UHFHLSW RI WKH ZULWWHQ FRQVHQW WR FRQGXFW D FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ FKHFN DQG LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ UHTXLUHG XQGHU VXEVHFWLRQ if the individual has applied for employment either as an employee or as an independent contractor with an adult foster care IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ WKH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ WKDW KDV PDGH D JRRG IDLWK RIIHU RI HPSOR\PHQW RU independent contract shall comply with subsection (4) and shall make a request to the department of state police to forward the LQGLYLGXDO¶V ¿QJHUSULQWV WR WKH )HGHUDO %XUHDX RI ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ 7KH GHSDUWPHQW RI VWDWH SROLFH VKDOO UHTXHVW WKH )HGHUDO %XUHDX RI ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ WR PDNH D GHWHUPLQDWLRQ RI WKH H[LVWHQFH RI DQ\ QDWLRQDO FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ SHUWDLQLQJ WR WKH LQGLYLGXDO $Q LQGLYLGXDO GHVFULEHG LQ WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ VKDOO SURYLGH WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI VWDWH SROLFH ZLWK D VHW RI ¿QJHUSULQWV 7KH GHSDUWPHQW RI VWDWH SROLFH VKDOO FRPSOHWH WKH FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ FKHFN XQGHU VXEVHFWLRQ DQG H[FHSW DV RWKHUZLVH SURYLGHG LQ WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ provide the results of its determination under subsection (4) and the results of the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation determination WR WKH GHSDUWPHQW ZLWKLQ GD\V DIWHU WKH UHTXHVW LV PDGH ,I WKH UHTXHVWLQJ DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ LV not a state department or agency and if criminal history record information is disclosed on the written report of the criminal history check or the Federal Bureau of Investigation determination that resulted in a conviction, the department shall notify WKH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ DQG WKH LQGLYLGXDO LQ ZULWLQJ RI WKH W\SH RI FULPH GLVFORVHG RQ WKH ZULWWHQ UHSRUW of the criminal history check or the Federal Bureau of Investigation determination without disclosing the details of the crime. 7KH QRWL¿FDWLRQ VKDOO LQIRUP WKH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ DQG WKH DSSOLFDQW UHJDUGLQJ WKH DSSHDO SURFHVV LQ section 34c and shall include a statement that the individual has a right to appeal the information relied upon by the adult foster FDUH IDFLOLW\ RU VWDI¿QJ DJHQF\ LQ PDNLQJ LWV GHFLVLRQ UHJDUGLQJ KLV RU KHU HPSOR\PHQW HOLJLELOLW\ EDVHG RQ WKH FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ check. Any charges imposed by the department of state police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation for conducting a criminal history check or making a determination under this subsection shall be paid in the manner required under subsection (4). (6) If an adult foster care facility determines it necessary to employ or independently contract with an individual before UHFHLYLQJ WKH UHVXOWV RI WKH LQGLYLGXDO¶V FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ FKHFN RU FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ UHFRUG LQIRUPDWLRQ UHTXLUHG XQGHU WKLV section, the adult foster care facility may conditionally employ the individual if all of the following apply: (a) The adult foster care facility requests the criminal history check or criminal history record information required under this section, upon conditionally employing the individual. (b) The individual signs a written statement indicating all of the following: ( i ) That he or she has not been convicted of 1 or more of the crimes that are described in subsection (l)(a) to (g) within the applicable time period prescribed by subsection (l)(a) to (g). ( ii 7KDW KH RU VKH LV QRW WKH VXEMHFW RI DQ RUGHU RU GLVSRVLWLRQ GHVFULEHG LQ VXEVHFWLRQ O K ( iii 7KDW KH RU VKH KDV QRW EHHQ WKH VXEMHFW RI D VXEVWDQWLDWHG ¿QGLQJ DV GHVFULEHG LQ VXEVHFWLRQ L ( iv 7KH LQGLYLGXDO DJUHHV WKDW LI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ WKH FULPLQDO KLVWRU\ FKHFN FRQGXFWHG XQGHU WKLV VHFWLRQ GRHV QRW FRQ¿UP WKH LQGLYLGXDO¶V VWDWHPHQW XQGHU VXESDUDJUDSKV i ) to ( iii ), his or her employment will be terminated by the adult foster care facility as required under subsection (1) unless and until the individual can prove that the information is incorrect. ( v ) That he or she understands the conditions described in subparagraphs ( i ) to ( iv ) that result in the termination of his or her employment and that those conditions are good cause for termination. F ([FHSW DV RWKHUZLVH SURYLGHG LQ WKLV VXEGLYLVLRQ WKH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ GRHV QRW SHUPLW WKH LQGLYLGXDO WR KDYH regular direct access to or provide direct services to residents in the adult foster care facility without supervision until the criminal history check or criminal history record information is obtained and the individual is eligible for that employment. If UHTXLUHG XQGHU WKLV VXEGLYLVLRQ WKH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ VKDOO SURYLGH RQ VLWH VXSHUYLVLRQ RI DQ LQGLYLGXDO LQ WKH IDFLOLW\ RQ a conditional basis under this subsection by an individual who has undergone a criminal history check conducted in compliance with this section. An adult foster care facility may permit an individual in the facility on a conditional basis under this subsection to have regular direct access to or provide direct services to residents in the adult foster care facility without supervision if all of the following conditions are met: ( i 7KH DGXOW IRVWHU FDUH IDFLOLW\ DW LWV RZQ H[SHQVH DQG EHIRUH WKH LQGLYLGXDO KDV GLUHFW DFFHVV WR RU SURYLGHV GLUHFW VHUYLFHV to residents of the facility, conducts a search of public records on that individual through the internet criminal history access tool maintained by the department of state police and the results of that search do not uncover any information that would indicate that the individual is not eligible to have regular direct access to or provide direct services to residents under this section. ( ii ) Before the individual has direct access to or provides direct services to residents of the adult foster care facility, the individual signs a statement in writing that he or she has resided in this state without interruption for at least the immediately SUHFHGLQJ PRQWK SHULRG
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