Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links
(b) The offender has 1 subsequent or concurrent conviction ................................................................................ 10 points (c) The offender has no subsequent or concurrent convictions............................................................................. 0 points $OO RI WKH IROORZLQJ DSSO\ WR VFRULQJ UHFRUG YDULDEOH (a) Score the appropriate point value if the offender was convicted of multiple felony counts or was convicted of a felony after the sentencing offense was committed. E 'R QRW VFRUH D IHORQ\ ¿UHDUP FRQYLFWLRQ LQ WKLV YDULDEOH F 'R QRW VFRUH D FRQFXUUHQW IHORQ\ FRQYLFWLRQ LI D PDQGDWRU\ FRQVHFXWLYH VHQWHQFH RU D FRQVHFXWLYH VHQWHQFH LPSRVHG XQGHU VHFWLRQ RI WKH SXEOLF KHDOWK FRGH 3$ 0&/ ZLOO UHVXOW IURP WKDW FRQYLFWLRQ History: $GG $FW (II 'HF ⎯ $P $FW ,PG (II 'HF ⎯ $P $FW (II 0DU
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