Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links
protection order that the issuing court may request that the respondent be returned to that county for violating the personal protection order or foreign protection order. If the court that issued the personal protection order or foreign protection order requests that the respondent be returned to that court to stand trial, the county of the requesting court shall bear the cost of transporting the respondent to that county. 7KH SURVHFXWLQJ DWWRUQH\ VKDOO SURVHFXWH D FULPLQDO FRQWHPSW SURFHHGLQJ LQLWLDWHG E\ WKH FRXUW XQGHU VXEVHFWLRQ RU initiated by a show cause order under subsection (4), unless the party who procured the personal protection order retains his or her own attorney for the criminal contempt proceeding or the prosecuting attorney determines that the personal protection order ZDV QRW YLRODWHG RU WKDW LW ZRXOG QRW EH LQ WKH LQWHUHVW RI MXVWLFH WR SURVHFXWH WKH FULPLQDO FRQWHPSW YLRODWLRQ ,I WKH SURVHFXWLQJ DWWRUQH\ SURVHFXWHV WKH FULPLQDO FRQWHPSW SURFHHGLQJ WKH FRXUW VKDOO JUDQW DQ DGMRXUQPHQW IRU QRW OHVV WKDQ GD\V RU D OHVVHU SHULRG UHTXHVWHG LI WKH SURVHFXWLQJ DWWRUQH\ PRYHV IRU DGMRXUQPHQW ,I WKH SURVHFXWLQJ DWWRUQH\ SURVHFXWHV WKH FULPLQDO contempt proceeding, the court may dismiss the proceeding upon motion of the prosecuting attorney for good cause shown. (8) A court shall not rescind a personal protection order, dismiss a contempt proceeding based on a personal protection order, or impose any other sanction for a failure to comply with a time limit prescribed in this section. $V XVHG LQ WKLV VHFWLRQ D ³)RUHLJQ SURWHFWLRQ RUGHU´ PHDQV WKDW WHUP DV GH¿QHG LQ VHFWLRQ K RI WKH UHYLVHG MXGLFDWXUH DFW RI 3$ 0&/ K E ³3HUVRQDO SURWHFWLRQ RUGHU´ PHDQV D SHUVRQDO SURWHFWLRQ RUGHU LVVXHG XQGHU VHFWLRQ RU D RI WKH UHYLVHG MXGLFDWXUH DFW RI 3$ 0&/ DQG D DQG XQOHVV WKH FRQWH[W LQGLFDWHV RWKHUZLVH LQFOXGHV D YDOLG IRUHLJQ protection order. F ³9DOLG IRUHLJQ SURWHFWLRQ RUGHU´ PHDQV D IRUHLJQ SURWHFWLRQ RUGHU WKDW VDWLV¿HV WKH FRQGLWLRQV IRU YDOLGLW\ SURYLGHG LQ VHFWLRQ L RI WKH UHYLVHG MXGLFDWXUH DFW RI 3$ 0&/ L History: $GG $FW (II 0DU ²$P $FW ,PG (II 1RY ²$P $FW (II -DQ ²$P $FW (II -XO\ ²$P $FW (II -XO\ ²$P $FW (II $SU ²$P $FW (II -XQH ²$P $FW (II 0DU ²$P $FW (II -XO\ ²$P $FW (II $SU ²$P $FW (II 2FW F ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ RU LQWHUYHQWLRQ LQ GRPHVWLF YLROHQFH GLVSXWH SURYLGLQJ YLFWLP ZLWK QRWLFH RI ULJKWV DGGUHVV FRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\ SURJUDP UHSRUW UHWHQWLRQ DQG ¿OLQJ RI UHSRUW GHYHORSPHQW RI VWDQGDUG GRPHVWLF YLROHQFH LQFLGHQW UHSRUW IRUP GH¿QLWLRQV 6HF F $IWHU LQYHVWLJDWLQJ RU LQWHUYHQLQJ LQ D GRPHVWLF YLROHQFH LQFLGHQW D SHDFH RI¿FHU VKDOO SURYLGH WKH YLFWLP ZLWK a copy of the notice in this section. 7KH QRWLFH XQGHU VXEVHFWLRQ PXVW EH ZULWWHQ DQG VXEMHFW WR VXEVHFWLRQ PXVW LQFOXGH DOO RI WKH IROORZLQJ (a) The name and telephone number of the responding police agency. E 7KH QDPH DQG EDGJH QXPEHU RI WKH UHVSRQGLQJ SHDFH RI¿FHU (c) Substantially the following statement: ³ Page 161
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