Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links


upon forms provided by the director of the department of state police and shall be signed by the licensing authority. Three copies of the license shall be delivered to the applicant by the licensing authority. A license is void unless used within 30 days after the date it is issued. ,I DQ LQGLYLGXDO SXUFKDVHV RU RWKHUZLVH DFTXLUHV D SLVWRO WKH VHOOHU VKDOO ¿OO RXW WKH OLFHQVH IRUPV GHVFULELQJ WKH SLVWRO together with the date of sale or acquisition, and sign his or her name in ink indicating that the pistol was sold to or otherwise acquired by the purchaser. The purchaser shall also sign his or her name in ink indicating the purchase or other acquisition of the pistol from the seller. The seller may retain a copy of the license as a record of the transaction. The purchaser shall receive 2 copies of the license. The purchaser shall return 1 copy of the license to the licensing authority within 10 days after the date the pistol is purchased or acquired. The return of the copy to the licensing authority may be made in person or may be made E\ ¿UVW FODVV PDLO RU FHUWL¿HG PDLO VHQW ZLWKLQ WKH GD\ SHULRG WR WKH SURSHU DGGUHVV RI WKH OLFHQVLQJ DXWKRULW\ $ SXUFKDVHU ZKR IDLOV WR FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU D VWDWH FLYLO LQIUDFWLRQ DQG PD\ EH ¿QHG QRW PRUH WKDQ ,I D SXUFKDVHU LV IRXQG UHVSRQVLEOH IRU D VWDWH FLYLO LQIUDFWLRQ XQGHU WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ WKH FRXUW VKDOO QRWLI\ the department of state police of that determination. (6) Within 10 days after receiving the license copy returned under subsection (5), the licensing authority shall electronically enter the information into the pistol entry database as required by the department of state police if it has the ability to electronically enter that information. If the licensing authority does not have that ability, the licensing authority shall provide that information to the department of state police in a manner otherwise required by the department of state police. Any licensing authority that SURYLGHG SLVWRO GHVFULSWLRQV WR WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI VWDWH SROLFH XQGHU IRUPHU VHFWLRQ RI WKLV DFW VKDOO FRQWLQXH WR SURYLGH SLVWRO descriptions to the department of state police under this subsection. Within 48 hours after entering or otherwise providing the information on the license copy returned under subsection (5) to the department of state police, the licensing authority shall forward the copy of the license to the department of state police. The purchaser has the right to obtain a copy of the information placed in the pistol entry database under this subsection to verify the accuracy of that information. The licensing authority may FKDUJH D IHH QRW WR H[FHHG IRU WKH FRVW RI SURYLGLQJ WKH FRS\ 7KH OLFHQVHH PD\ FDUU\ XVH SRVVHVV DQG WUDQVSRUW WKH pistol for 30 days beginning on the date of purchase or acquisition only while he or she is in possession of his or her copy of the license. However, the person is not required to have the license in his or her possession while carrying, using, possessing, or transporting the pistol after this period. 7KLV VHFWLRQ GRHV QRW DSSO\ WR WKH SXUFKDVH RI SLVWROV IURP ZKROHVDOHUV E\ GHDOHUV UHJXODUO\ HQJDJHG LQ WKH EXVLQHVV RI VHOOLQJ SLVWROV DW UHWDLO RU WR WKH VDOH EDUWHU RU H[FKDQJH RI SLVWROV NHSW DV UHOLFV RU FXULRV QRW PDGH IRU PRGHUQ DPPXQLWLRQ RU permanently deactivated. (8) This section does not prevent the transfer of ownership of pistols to an heir or devisee, whether by testamentary bequest or by the laws of intestacy regardless of whether the pistol is registered with this state. An individual who has inherited a pistol shall obtain a license as required in this section within 30 days of taking physical possession of the pistol. The license PD\ EH VLJQHG E\ D QH[W RI NLQ RI WKH GHFHGHQW RU WKH SHUVRQ DXWKRUL]HG WR GLVSRVH RI SURSHUW\ XQGHU WKH HVWDWHV DQG SURWHFWHG LQGLYLGXDOV FRGH 3$ 0&/ WR LQFOXGLQJ ZKHQ WKH QH[W RI NLQ LV WKH LQGLYLGXDO LQKHULWLQJ WKH SLVWRO ,I WKH KHLU RU GHYLVHH LV QRW TXDOL¿HG IRU D OLFHQVH XQGHU WKLV VHFWLRQ WKH KHLU RU GHYLVHH PD\ GLUHFW WKH QH[W RI NLQ RU SHUVRQ DXWKRUL]HG WR GLVSRVH RI SURSHUW\ XQGHU WKH HVWDWHV DQG SURWHFWHG LQGLYLGXDOV FRGH 3$ 0&/ WR WR GLVSRVH RI WKH SLVWRO LQ DQ\ PDQQHU WKDW LV ODZIXO DQG WKH KHLU RU GHYLVHH FRQVLGHUV DSSURSULDWH 7KH SHUVRQ DXWKRUL]HG WR GLVSRVH RI SURSHUW\ XQGHU WKH HVWDWHV DQG SURWHFWHG LQGLYLGXDOV FRGH 3$ 0&/ WR is not required to obtain a license under this section if he or she takes temporary lawful possession of the pistol in the process RI GLVSRVLQJ RI WKH SLVWRO SXUVXDQW WR WKH GHFHGHQW¶V WHVWDPHQWDU\ EHTXHVW RU WKH ODZV RI LQWHVWDF\ $ ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW DJHQF\ PD\ QRW VHL]H RU FRQ¿VFDWH D SLVWRO EHLQJ WUDQVIHUUHG E\ WHVWDPHQWDU\ EHTXHVW RU WKH ODZV RI LQWHVWDF\ XQOHVV WKH KHLU RU GHYLVHH GRHV QRW TXDOLI\ IRU REWDLQLQJ D OLFHQVH XQGHU WKLV VHFWLRQ DQG WKH QH[W RI NLQ RU SHUVRQ DXWKRUL]HG WR GLVSRVH RI SURSHUW\ XQGHU WKH HVWDWHV DQG SURWHFWHG LQGLYLGXDOV FRGH 3$ 0&/ WR LV XQDEOH WR UHWDLQ KLV RU KHU WHPSRUDU\ SRVVHVVLRQ RI WKH SLVWRO RU ¿QG DOWHUQDWLYH ODZIXO VWRUDJH ,I D ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW DJHQF\ VHL]HV RU FRQ¿VFDWHV D SLVWRO XQGHU WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ WKH KHLU RU GHYLVHH ZKR LV QRW TXDOL¿HG WR REWDLQ D OLFHQVH XQGHU WKLV VHFWLRQ UHWDLQV RZQHUVKLS LQWHUHVW LQ WKH SLVWRO DQG ZLWKLQ GD\V RI EHLQJ QRWL¿HG RI WKH VHL]XUH RU FRQ¿VFDWLRQ PD\ ¿OH ZLWK D FRXUW RI FRPSHWHQW MXULVGLFWLRQ WR GLUHFW WKH ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW DJHQF\ WR ODZIXOO\ WUDQVIHU RU RWKHUZLVH GLVSRVH RI WKH SLVWRO $ SLVWRO VHL]HG XQGHU WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ VKDOO QRW EH GHVWUR\HG VROG RU XVHG ZKLOH LQ SRVVHVVLRQ RI WKH VHL]LQJ HQWLW\ RU LWV DJHQWV XQWLO GD\V KDYH SDVVHG VLQFH WKH KHLU RU GHYLVHH KDV EHHQ QRWL¿HG RI WKH VHL]XUH DQG QR OHJDO DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ WKH ODZIXO SRVVHVVLRQ RU RZQHUVKLS RI WKH VHL]HG SLVWRO KDV EHHQ ¿OHG LQ DQ\ FRXUW DQG LV SHQGLQJ $V XVHG LQ WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ D ³'HYLVHH´ PHDQV WKDW WHUP DV GH¿QHG LQ VHFWLRQ RI WKH HVWDWHV DQG SURWHFWHG LQGLYLGXDOV FRGH 3$ 0&/ E ³+HLU´ PHDQV WKDW WHUP DV GH¿QHG LQ VHFWLRQ RI WKH HVWDWHV DQG SURWHFWHG LQGLYLGXDOV FRGH 3$ 0&/ $Q LQGLYLGXDO ZKR LV QRW D UHVLGHQW RI WKLV VWDWH LV QRW UHTXLUHG WR REWDLQ D OLFHQVH XQGHU WKLV VHFWLRQ LI DOO RI WKH IROORZLQJ conditions apply: (a) The individual is licensed in his or her state of residence to purchase, carry, or transport a pistol. (b) The individual is in possession of the license described in subdivision (a). (c) The individual is the owner of the pistol he or she possesses, carries, or transports. (d) The individual possesses the pistol for a lawful purpose. (e) The individual is in this state for a period of 180 days or less and does not intend to establish residency in this state. $Q LQGLYLGXDO ZKR LV D QRQUHVLGHQW RI WKLV VWDWH VKDOO SUHVHQW WKH OLFHQVH GHVFULEHG LQ VXEVHFWLRQ D XSRQ WKH GHPDQG RI D SROLFH RI¿FHU $Q LQGLYLGXDO ZKR YLRODWHV WKLV VXEVHFWLRQ LV JXLOW\ RI D PLVGHPHDQRU SXQLVKDEOH E\ LPSULVRQPHQW IRU QRW PRUH WKDQ GD\V RU D ¿QH RI QRW PRUH WKDQ RU ERWK

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