firearms laws Mich 2024

PREFACE This publication, Firearms Laws of Michigan , has been prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau pursuant to Act 381 of 2000, which requires the Bureau to “compile the firearms laws of this state, including laws that apply to carrying a concealed pistol...” MCL 28.425a. The firearms laws compiled herein are reprinted from the text of the Michigan Compiled Laws, supplemented through Act 321 of the 2023 Regular Session of the Michigan Legislature. Materials in boldface type, particularly catch lines and annotations to the statutes, are not part of the statutes as enacted by the Legislature. In addition to state statutes concerning firearms, this publication includes selected Michigan Attorney General Opinions that interpret various firearms laws. Federal firearms laws (Gun Control Act of 1968, “Brady Law”, Arms Export Control Act, National Firearms Act, etc.), together with related regulations, are beyond the scope of this publication. Interested persons may access these materials from a number of sources, including the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (U.S. Department of Justice) web site: This publication, Firearms Laws of Michigan , is available in PDF format at the Michigan Legislature’s website: under the section heading “Publications”.

Legislative Service Bureau State of Michigan Lansing, Michigan

April 2024

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