classroom semi auto operation 6.0

T ransition Shooting Skill Development Method The Proven Four Step Program to Shooting Success

The transition and learning curve from a new shooter to the proficient use of a typical self-defense semi auto handgun can be done safely and efficiently with our Four Step Training Program. Learning to shoot a handgun is a muscle memory process that will form a repeatable habit on how a person learns to operate andshoot a handgun. A person will repeat what they have learned . If the person has developed bad or possible dangerous muscle memory habits it is hard to correct t hem. It is critical to the learning process the new shooterepeat each step in the proper order required to operate andshoot a specific handgun. Divide and conquer : Each step is divided into a specific process that can be identified and learned without overloading the student with multiple tasks. An important part of our four-step training process is to assure the safety of training , develop skills without fear and create the confiden ce the student will needto operate on his/her own. The steps are completed in a logical order, with each building on the previous skill. Step one s tarts with using a Glock 9mm Laser Shot handgun to develop the six fundamentals of shooting and the required muscle memory skills. In step two we use a .22 caliber handgun that allows the shooter to practice the

fundamental swith a live fire gun that has minimal recoil and muzzl e blast. In Step Three we use a 38 special revolver to address 3 important topics :

1. Dry fire trigger control practice 2. Center fire firepowe rhandgun management

3. Shooter Flinching (s hooter reaction to the discharge of a typical center fire handgun. (9mm and .38 special) . Here you will learn the use of “snap caps” as a safe and effective training aide. 4. In Step Four the student will transition toa typical self-defense semi auto handgun. For this we can use our class handgun, the clock 19, 9mm or the students own gun.

Completion Goals: The student should be able to operate and shoot a semi auto handgun in a typical shooting range environment without the aid of instructor s upport.

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