classroom semi auto operation 6.0
Muscle Memory Skills Shooting involves the repetitive practice of skills to create the muscle memory needed to complete have complete command of the process. For the beginner you start with the basics of the fundamentals of shooting to be we grounded in the how to operate and shoot a handgun safely and place shots on the target each time you fire the handgun. You will be developing a muscle memory habit that after a while will become an automatic process. Therefore, it is critical that you practice each step required to pick up the handgun, firing the shot and returning it to the bench. Each time you pick the handgun up to shot, start at the beginning the process and repeat every step needed to bring the handgun to the shooing position and fire the shot. Remember- Keep you finger of the trigger until ready to shoot. That means when moving the handgun to and from the shooting position FINGER OF THE TRIGGER AND OUTSIDE THE TRIGGER GUARD.
The muscle memory habits you develop are what you will use in future training and actual self-defense. The two things that will affect your shooting skills are 1. Experience and 2. Training. At the beginning new shooters have little of both.
How to place your shots on the target the first time and every time you shoot. Align the center of your body with the center of the target. With the handgun held in both hands push your hand out to form an isosceles triangle. Form a line between your eye the target. Bring the handgun up to that line and align the front sight with the rear and place it on the center of the target. Place your center of the target at eye level. Align the center of your body with the center of the target. You now will have achieved vertical and horizontal alignment.
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