Weapons and the Laws Module 4


MSP legal Updates for Civilians - Source MSP website Legal Update Archives 0LFKLJDQ 6WDWH 3ROLFH /HJDO 8SGDWH 'RFXPHQWV that are sent to Michigan police officers 7KH Michigan 6HOI 'HIHQVH $FW E ffective date: October 1, 2006 consists of Acts 309 - 314 AN ACT to clarify the rights and duties of self-defense and the defense of others. /HJDO 8SGDWH - 7DVHUV August Michigan Penal Code and Firearms Act amended to allow for possession and reasonable use of Tasers by Michigan Concealed Pistol License holders )LUHDUPV SQHXPDWLF VSULQJ RSHUDWHG JXQV July 1, Amendments to the Firearms chapter of the Michigan Penal Code related to firearms and pneumatic guns. Concealed Pistol 3URFHVV and 3URFHGXUH Dec 2, Amendments to the Firearms Act affecting the process for obtaining a Concealed Pistol License . 3HSSHU 6SUD\ /DZV XSGDWH August 23, Amended the definition of “self- defense spray or foam device” under MCL 750.224d. and the max allowed OC solution from 10 to 18%

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