Probation Weapons Training Program Introduction and Content
The Training Process: 1. The person registers for class by completing the personal information and violation incident form. 2. The Study Guide Modules are sent to the person using our cloud-based Bookshelf Storage and retrieval System. 3. The user is contacted to set a zoom virtual meeting. The program content and process are explained to the person. 4. The person completes one study module at a time and submits the attached written test. 5. The module test is submitted to our office for review and correction and then returned to user. The process is repeated until all modules are done. 6. A Virtual classroom session is scheduled. Topics include but are not limited to the following: • Review corrected written tests to validate user knowledge • Oral review of selected module contents • Answer user questions. 7. The final process • Create a certificate of completion • Send copies of certificate and training documents to user and probation officer. Total User Time: Approximate Hours -1 2 .0 Expected days to complete course is 30- 45 days
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