Probation Weapons Training Program Introduction and Content
Module Five Study Guide: Weapons the law and Legal Liability The Weapons Law section is designed to show and explain how to access and use weapons laws and avoid future conflicts with the law. It is not unusual that even people with the best intentions may not know where to find, interpret and apply the laws and procedures necessary to legally own and use various weapons. The laws are layered in local ordinances, state law and federal law including the ATF. We have consolidated the information in an easy-to- use format, along support documents and links to the most used websites. • 69 Page Study Guide • 40 Question Written Test • Est time: 3.0 hours
Module Six: Zoom Virtual classroom • Review written tests • Student question and answer time • Issue Certificate • Time: 2.0 hours
Support Documents Useful links to most used websites and resources designed to support the user of the study guide.
Estimated time is 12.0
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