Probation Training Introduction and Registration document

Court Approved "Pistol Safety " Probation Training Course Introduction and Registration Documen t

Publication Date: 6/10/2022



Pistol Safety Training Program

The training contains training 4 Online modules, reference material and a virtual or in person classroom session. When completed will create the complete program

This is court ordered probation training and is considered a legal document that becomes part of the user’s court record. The term Pistol Safety Class (AKA Gun Safety Training) is a generic term used as part of a probation requirement for Michigan Penal Code violations that usually involves some type of weapon. The weapons this term generally applies to are firearms, tasers, stun guns, pneumatic, pellet, BB guns and other legal or illegal weapons. The Pistol Safety Class is a class is training designed specifically for the individual probationer. This is not an open class with other people registered for the training. The training takes into account two probation mandates that are usually part of the training process.

1) There can be no handling or use of firearms by the probationer during the training process. 2) There needs to be an in-person meeting with the probationer. That can be the typical classroom setting or a virtual classroom.

It should be assumed that this document may come under the scrutiny of other members of the court system. It is therefore incumbent upon the instructor to provide training that is relevant to the violation and provides future guidance to probationer. Therefore, the document is designed and formatted in a manner that allows people other than the original document user the ability to open, identify and understand the content. It should be noted that considerable attention has been giving to education and prevention in the training content. The offender is provided with a wide variety of resource s that help prevent future conflicts with the law. Written test are provided to help evaluate the users knowledge of the subject material.

Continue on to last page to register for the class


Program Modules

Each module is designed to address and complete a specific topic. Module One

Module Two • Pistol Safety - includes written test The pistol safety module will introduce the user to the best safe practices regarding firearms ownership a home , on the street, and during interstate travel . • Personal Information and incident collection • Penal codes and laws that have direct and indirect impact because of the incident. Module Three • Avoiding Criminal Attack and Controlling a Violent Encounter - includes written test The necessity of learning how avoiding criminal attack and if necessary, controlling a violent encounter is another useful tool used to help a person maintain a safe lifestyle and avoid future conflicts. The education and resource section is designed to show and explain how to access and use weapons laws with the intent to avoid future conflicts with the laws. It is important to emphasize the laws and legal liability of weapon ownership and use. It is not unusual, that even people with the best intentions may not know where to find, interpret and apply the laws and procedures necessary to legally own and use various weapons. The laws are layered in local ordinances, state law and federal law including the ATF. Our goal is to consolidate that information in this manual, along support links to the most used websites and the location of specific sections of the law • Module 5 - Classroom • In person or Zoom Virtual classroom • Review written test Module 6 Module 4 - Education and resource section • Weapons laws and Legal Liability – includes written test

• Document Production • Issue certificate

Total time to complete all modules is approximately 12 hours

Pistol Safety Class and “Your BookShelf" Document Storage and Retrieval Process

What is Your BookShelf? Documents are digitally produced use Flipping Book Software. The documents are then uploaded to the Flipping Book cloud storage and retrieval systems called YOUR BOOKSHELF . As the name implies this a storage location for a specific user. Your Bookshelf ( library) provides the user an ease to use visual presentation of the documents placed in their BookShelf. The user of the documents is assigned one unique link that allows the person access to their Bookshelf. When a document is uploaded to their Bookshelf the user is sent an e mail notice of a new document. This method keeps documents out of e mail content and there is no chance of missing a module. Pistol Safety Training Process The course is a combination of Online content and virtual or in person classroom. This format allows the user to complete the training at their convenience. The probation program is presented in a module format with each module delivered to the users (probationers) Bookshelf where it can be accessed used at the probationer’s discretion. The probationer can open and use the documents on the Bookshelf cloud or download as a PDF document to their computer. Downloading documents do not remove the original Individual modules are sent to the probationer in the order listed Below. The probationer will review the module content and complete an attached written test when necessary. The test results and user comments will be submitted to our office for correction and review. New modules are not submitted until previous ones are completed. This allows the probationer to focus on one module at a time and helps eliminate combining modules or browsing ahead which can lead to possible confusion and misinterpretation of material. Digital Bookshelf Advantages 1. Convenience : The probationer can complete a Pistol Safety Course and continue with personal and work needs. They can proceed at their own pace if the program is completed in the designated time as applicable. 2. No lost documents - The documents are not lost in e mail content. 3. Saves computer storage space – documents do not have to be stored on a computer hard drive. 4. E mail filters - filters can be set that might block certain names such as firearm, guns, and weapons etc. from opening a website or document. With the BookShelf method the user is opening a nondescript link allowing that access to their Bookshelf, which then allows access to the documents.


Users BookShelf

BookShelf Cloud based Visual Storage and Retrieval Process

Click on bookshelf above to see four example Pistol Safety Class Modules and one active MFAQ book. Just mouse over document

The user can open and use the documents on the cloud platform or downloaded them as a PDF to their computer.

1. Documents are uploaded to the users Bookshelf by the Instructor 2. The user is sent a notice that a new document is in their bookshelf.


Protect Systems Training Academy DBA Handgun Training Specialists

Office Virtual Classroom Training Training Program Production Address 556 Tennyson Rochester Hills, Mi. 48307 248-309-9579

Classroom Training 1681 E. Auburn RD, Ste. F , Rochester Hills, Mi. 48307 S cheduled by appointment only 248-309-9579

6559 Dixie Highway Clarkston, Ml 48346

A ccurate R ange O ur Place to Shoot

Phone: 248-625-3551


Gerald Wrage: Owner NRA Firearms Instructor NRA Range Safety Officer NRA Law Enforcement Instructor

Firearms Law and Use of Force Instructor Former law enforcement and training sergeant Crime Prevention Specialist

Michael S. Klockow, Esq Attorney and Counselor Concealed Pistol Arrests and Violations Firearms legal issues


Gerald Wrage 30 years’ experience as a professional instructor and training program development .

Skill Set and Job Experience NRA Certified Firearms Instructor NRA Certified Range Safety Officer

Former NRA Law enforcement handgun and shotgun instructor OCSD - R eserve officer, Reserve Training Sargent, and Park Deputy Securitas Security Services : Director and chief instructor of armed officer division. Job description included: Handgun Training, Pepper Spray, Defensive Tactics, Handcuffing and ASP Baton. Huffmaster Associates – Private Investigations and Security Special work assignments that required an armed PI and Bodyguard/personal protection details. Expert witness testimony and depositions, with experience in misdemeanor and felony charges and prosecution. Concealed Pistol expert witness testimony regarding concealed pistol Laws, legal Liability, and the use of a firearm in self-defense . Probation Pistol Safety Training Instructor Owner of Protect Systems Training Academy : Civilian, Security Guard and Law enforcement training. Only civilian owner and operator a Law enforcement grade shooting simulator. With use of force and training in the use handguns, rifles, shotguns, pepper spray and tasers. A Partial list of Training and Education Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. Reserve Police Academy In-service training programs MCOLES approved training for Basic Firearms and Police Shotgun Instructor certification Detroit Police Academy - crime prevention school. The University of Louisville's National Crime Prevention Institute with special training in crime prevention and security. Camp Perry Ohio - Handgun and Shotgun Firearms Law Enforcement Instructor Training The Lethal Force Institute - training in the use of deadly force by civilians in self defense. The National Criminal Justice Training Council - Law enforcement use of force Instructor. Schoolcraft Collage Law Enforcement In-service Firearms and Police Shotgun Instructor certification course




Click here to register for the class


Contact information

Handgun Training Specialists A Division of Protect Systems Training Academy Phone: 248-309-9579

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