Probation Study Module 1 - Pistol Safety 9-23


What rounds are safe to shoot in your handgun (May not say on gun barrel or slide) Check operating manual Ask Expert Check with factory

Types of loads • Reloads - Target practice only • Regular Factory New - Self Defense / Target · +P Higher performance / more cylinder pressure • +P+ Very high performance / much more cylinder pressure

Ammunition care and Storage

• Solvents/Cleaning fluids can deactivate primers • Keep dry - away from extreme heat - change defense ammo year • Do not mix different ammo in same container. Store in original box / container • Keep only the ammo being used on gun shooting bench

• Check before buying • Check before using

Ammunition Malfunctions

1. Misfire. A failure of the primer to ignite the powder . ( Failure of the round to discharge) Keep the firearm pointed down range and on target for ten -15 seconds in the event it is a “hangfire”. 2. Hangfire. A delayed detonation of the primer. A hangfire can be dangerous in revolvers and pistols. Hangfires “hangup” will typically discharge within 5 seconds after trigger is pulled, Hold your firearm on target for about 10 seconds to assure the gun is pointed in a safe direction if it fires a few seconds late. . This type of malfunction occurs with older ammunition or ammunition that has been tampered with, or cleaned with solvents or oil. 3. Squib. A cartridge which is missing the powder or does not ignite properly. The symptom is a cap pistol type sound, and no recoil. When this happens, enough gas is generated to force the bullet from the neck of the casing, but not enough to push it through to the muzzle. In revolvers, it will often stop at the forcing cone, or just up the barrel. It is dangerous to fire another round behind. Any time you hear the tell tail “Pop”, STOP SHOOTING, DO NOT PULL THE TRIGGER, check the barrel for obstructions, call your range officer for help if necessary.

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