Pistol Safety Class Registration and Payment Process

Court Ordered Pistol Safety Class Update Registration and Payment Process

Register and pay the class fee here. The fee is processed through PayPal. You can use a credit card or a PayPal account if you have one. When the registration form is complete, and payment made, you will be redirected to the online class documents presented in our BookShelf format. Click on the book to open and use.

I understand that you may have financial responsibilities in addition to the Pistol Safety Class. Therefore, I have offered my clients 3 payment options. Select your option on the registration form. Pay the complete fee of $ 225.00. 2-part payment plan • The first one for $125.00 • The second for $100.00 3- part payment plan of $75.00 each. The complete registration fee must be paid before certificate of completion can be issued. Bookshelf Format – see example of operation here.

Bookshelf Document list 1. Introduction

2. Module one – Pistol Safety 3. Module two – Conflict Resolution and Avoiding Criminal Attack 4. Module three - Laws and Legal Liability Study guide and Resource Module The Process Click on each module to open and view. Modules can be downloaded to computer as a PDF document. These are your documents to keep.

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