New Shooter Semi Auto Handgun Outline 3-23
The Process - Range Preparation
Step one s tarts wtih using a Glock 9mm Laser Shot handgun to deveolp the six fundamentals of shooting and the required muscle memory skills. Step two we use a .22 caliber handgun that allows the shooter to practice the fundamentals with a live fire gun that has minimal recoil and muzzle blast. Step three we use a 38 special revolver toaddress 3 important topics: 1. Dry fire trigger control practice 2. Center fire firepower handgun management 3. Shooter Flinching (s hooter reaction to the discharge of a typical center fire handgun. (9mm and .38 special) . Here you will learn the use of “snap caps ” as a safe and effective training aide. Step Four the student will transition to a typical self-defense semi auto handgun. For this we can use our class handgun, the clock 19, 9mm or the students own gun. Completion Goals: The student should be able to operate and shoot a semi auto handgun in a typical shooting range environment without the aid of instructor support.
Video Flinching - Cause and Remedy
Flinching - making a quick, nervous movement as an instinctive reaction to fear, pain, or surprise
Revolver Ball and Dummy Load
Semi auto ball and dummy drill Alternately load live rounds and snap caps. If you anticipate and flinch that will pull the gun sights off target Your response and gun movement should be the same for both rounds.
Load 3 live rounds and 3 snap caps. Do not anticipate if the next shot is live round or snap cap. If you do you will flinch. Your response should be the same for both.
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