Module 3 - Laws and Legal Liability
Firearms Ownership and the c ontrol Layers of Enforcement
Federal Government including ATF: x The Interstate purchase, sale and transportation of firearms x Federally licensed Gun Dealers State Government : x State law regarding the purchase, sale and transportation of firearms. x Concealed pistol laws
Local Control Generally, ordinances that control the discharge of firearms. Such as where, when and how
shooting is controlled in a local jurisdiction. Local Firearms Control and Management Local Control is usually managed by 2 methods
1. A local ordinance established by local government such as county, city, andtownship. Ordinance laws are enforced by the controlling a agencies police department and the DNR if it impacts their laws (such as hunting) 2. Private Property ownership Private property is owned by somebody and it is the gun owner’s responsibility to who controls the land and if you can enter and target practice. Private property can be posted for many reasons, and use signage such as, No Trespassing, No Shooting, No Hunting. Do not enter. Disregarding the signs can result in trespassing and other possible charges. Those wanting to shoot on private property are required to get permission for the owner whether posted or not. Shooting Ranges: 3XEOLF 5DQJHV DUH SULYDWHO\ RSHUDWHG UDQJHV WKDW DUH OLFHQVHG LQVXUHG DQG UHJXODWHG E\ WKH 0LFKLJDQ '15 DQG UDQJHV WKDW DUH RSHUDWHG E\ WKH '15 6KRRWLQJ &OXEV DUH SULYDWHO\ RZQHG XVXDOO\ UHTXLUH PHPEHUVKLS DUH LQVXUHG FRQIRUP WR VWDWH DQG ORFDO UHJXODWLRQV 6KRRWLQJ RQ SULYDWH SURSHUW\ 7KH VDIHW\ LV HQWLUHO\ XS WR WKH VKRRWHUV DQG ZKHUH DQG ZKHQ D SHUVRQ FDQ WDUJHW SUDFWLFH GLVFKDUJH D ILUHDUP LV XVXDOO\ FRQWURO E\ D ORFDO RUGLQDQFH
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