Study Module 2 - Avoiding Criminal Attack

Avoiding Criminal Attack and Controlling a Violent Encounter


1. Tone 2. Volume 3. Cadence To run or to fight If you can avoid or escape the situation safely, do so! To run - variables are: • Are you running to a safer place? Are you familiar with your surroundings? • Are you dressed to run? • Will you be able to out run him? • If you run will you be assaulted from behind? To fight - variables are: • How prepared are you: knowledge, skills, confidence and self defense devices. To defend yourself you will need the right skills and tools and the confidence to use them. • Are you dressed to fight? Your goal is survive the confrontation with your life intact and as little injury as possible. If you have decided to defend yourself, make it a quick decisive strike and leave. Attempt to stop a confrontation (but don’t be confrontational) Avoid adding fuel to the fire COLOR CODING CONCEPT ( your mental color of preparedness) White - Unprepared (Not aware of surroundings, not prepared to recognize a threat to your safety ) Yellow - Relaxed alertness (aware of surroundings) Orange - Unspecified Alert (awareness of cover, lanes of possible escape, the body’s alarm reaction begins) Red - Encounter assailant (you are facing one or more persons who want to cause you harm or take your life ). Black - Assault in Progress (Normal response is counteracting with appropriate self defense measures and try to escape) Voice projection can help control the situation The three elements of “ controlled” communication

Don’t rebut claims to an angry person Don’t confront with counter aggression Don’t argue and don’t order Negotiate and conciliate

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