Study Module 2 - Avoiding Criminal Attack

Avoiding Criminal Attack and Controlling a Violent Encounte r


Officer / Civilian Interview Position



You do Not Stand Here

position 1

position 1

The Safest place to talk to a potential adversary is in front, 45 degrees off to the side and at least six feet away (position 1). Do not stand directly in front of this person and within arms reach ( position 0 ). This will leave you vulnerable to a sudden attack. Officer

In conducting a field interview, position yourself at an angle to the suspect and keep your gun side away from his immediate reach. Do not let people behind you or in any postion where you cannot see them and mantain a safe distance. Caution! There is a potential for danger to yourself if you are interviewing (or trying to con trol) more than one person at a time without backup or securing the other people. One person can present a dangerous threat

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