Study Module 2 - Avoiding Criminal Attack



Assess the situation. Where do you think the criminal is located? Where are other persons in your home located? If armed self-defense is inadvisable or impossible, review in your mind the exits of your home. If there is an exit that you and your family can use to escape the criminal, leave as quickly and as quietly as possible. However, you are under no legal responsibility to leave your home. Call the police. Whether from your own home or from a neighbor’s house, call the police. I f you are in your home, inform the police of your location and the location of other family members. Always tell the police if you are armed. Also, attempt to determine if the police will respond in uniform or plain clothes so you can avoid a confrontation with the wrong person. Answer all questions as calmly as possible and don’t hang up the phone until police arrive. Go to a safe place Try to go to a predetermined “safe spot” with a phone where you will take your stand. In many cases, it will be a bedroom. Lock the door. If you hear someone outside the door, yell that the police are on their way. And, if you have a gun, tell the intruder that you are armed. Keep the police informed throughout the ordeal. NOTE: Never search your house if you suspect someone is there unlawfully. “Clearing a house” is dangerous and requires extensive training. Leave it to the police. Your efforts should be directed toward avoiding contact with the criminal. Last Resort: Using Force Hopefully, you will never face a life-threatening situation wherein you are forced to make the “ultimate decision.” If an attacker, heedless of your warnings that the police are coming and that you are armed, enters the room and presents a reasonable threat of deadly danger to you or your family, you will be in such a situation. If you have made the decision to own a handgun for self-protection, you should have already determined to use the gun as a last resort to protect innocent lives. If an attacker puts you in a position where you must use force, be sure to identify the attacker positively.

YOUR INVOLVEMENT IN A SHOOTING INCIDENT Call Police Follow the directions of the police

Do not leave the scene/ run (except to get help or move to safety) Flight equals guilt Render Assistance? (Use extreme caution if attempting to approach attacker) Protect the scene (Do not change anything) Do not have handgun in hand when police arrive (unless you need to protect yourself) You are not required to say anything but identify yourself If you must say something say “I was in fear of my life and I shot to protect myself’

You may be arrested based on evedence at the scene You will be taken to the police station for questioning You are allowed an attorney to represent you Do not make or sign any statements unless your attorney is present

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