Michael Rutan
Weapons and Pistols Sec. 227. (1) A person shall not carry a dagger, dirk, stiletto, a double-edged non - folding stabbing instrument of any length, or any other dangerous weapon, except a hunting knife adapted and carried as such, concealed on or about his or her person, or whether concealed or otherwise in any vehicle operated or occupied by the person , (except in his or her dwelling house, place of business or on other land possessed by the person.) Concealed Pistol A person shall not carry a pistol concealed on or about his or her person , or, whether concealed or otherwise, in a vehicle operated or occupied by the person , (except in his or her dwelling house, place of business, or on other land possessed by the person), without a license to carry the pistol as provided by law and if licensed, shall not carry the pistol in a place or manner inconsistent with any restrictions upon such license. A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or by a fine of not more than $2,500 .00. Concealed Carry VS Open Carry The carrying of a pistol in a holster or belt outside the clothing is not carrying a concealed weapon. Carrying a pistol under a coat is carrying a concealed weapon. Op. Atty. Gen. 1945, O-3158. According to the Court of Appeals in People v. Reynolds, a weapon is concealed if it is not observed by those casually observing the person as in the ordinary course and usual association of life. Open carry of firearms In Michigan, it is legal for a person to carry a firearm in public if the person is carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the firearm is not concealed. You will not find a law that states it is legal to openly carry a firearm. It is legal because there is no Michigan law that prohibits it; however, Michigan law limits the premises on which a person may carry a firearm. While it is legal for a non-CPL holder to open carry a pistol the person cannot open carry a pistol in the interior of a vehicle. The person must remove the pistol and place the unloaded gun in a suitable container as required by pistol transportation rules. A CPL holder is not required by law to carry a pistol concealed. A CPL holder may carry a pistol concealed or non-concealed. A private property owner has the right to prohibit individuals from carrying firearms on his or her property, whether concealed or otherwise, and regardless of whether the person is a CPL holder. If a person remains on the property after being told to leave by the owner, the person may be charged with trespassing. While open carry is legal it is generally not well accepted by the public In today’s society.
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