Michael Rutan


THe Principles Of Personal Protection In Public Areas

AVOID—EVADE—ESCAPE—RESPOND Avoid the confrontation:

1. Be alert and aware of your surroundings. 2. Avoid suspicious situations 3. Avoid unlit parking lots and neighborhoods that are not well light 4. Jog or walk with a companion 5. Do not park in remote areas (including parking ramps) 6. use valet parking or have a store employee or security walk you to your car 7. Avoid ATM machines that are hidden from public view 8. In remote areas at stop signs always leave enough room between the car in front and the car in back of you in case you need to escape. 9. Keep car doors locked while driving.

Evade the confrontation: 1. Attempt to seek another direction of travel 2. Don’t allow yourself to be cut off (ambush) 3. Plan an avenue of escape Escape 1. Utilize any possible safe avenue of escape

This will……………….. 1. Buy time to set up a defensive position, if escape is not possible 2. Prepare you to use force if necessary to protect life 3. Help protect you from civil or criminal liability by having taken defensive and evasive measures before using force. 4. Responding When the threat of an attack or actual attack occurs; usually you the potential victim is the first responder at the scene to protect yourself. What you do at that time may be critical to your survival. 5. If you cannot escape: Create a reactionary gap by creating time to respond by (1 ) Creating distance (2) putting an obstacle between you and the attacker.

6. implement a self defense response: The proper response and use of tactics is important............... • Select the proper tactics by applying a legal response that works • Selection of proper self defense equipment that is legal and effective. • Skill with self defense equipment will allow you to use it to its optimum capability.

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