Michael Rutan
Rights and Responsibility Weapons Program What is a weapon?
A “weapon” can be almost anything, a hammer, club, rock, automobile or your fists. Some come under Michigan State law and some if you choose to use them as a weapon. This program is designed to show and explain your rights and responsibility regarding weapons and the law. These weapons usually include firearms, pepper spray, tasers, knives. Most anything can be a weapon if there is an intent to use it as a weapon. A hammer, club, rock, or your fists. The laws regarding firearms and weapons are found in "The Firearms Laws of Michigan". This is a 250-page manual produced by the Michigan depart of State Police for the citizens of Michigan. The manual is reissued about every 3 years with new content as required. It is not unusual that people with the best intentions may not know where to find, interpret and apply the laws and procedures necessary to legally own and use various weapons. The laws are layered in local ordinances, state law and federal law including the ATF. This training guide has consolidated the need-to-know information in an easy to- use document with support documents and links to the most used websites.
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