Michael Rutan
4. One-gun quick access storage box. 1.5 inches deep it is designed to fit under the set of a car. Cable attaches to seat mounting post.
5. The home gun and accessories vault with a combination cylinder lock
The handgun gun is also an emergency tool for self-defense. Because you can keep a handgun in your home to defend yourself and other family members. (A person can protect others as they would themselves under like circumstances) This involves storing a loaded handgun that is only available to the designated user. It is important proper precautions are taken to ensure safe storage. Therefore, the handgun placed in the quick access box is a loaded handgun.
This is a 2-part goal: 1. The handgun must be stored so it not available to unauthorized people. 2. It must be immediate accessible in the time of an emergency.
If you have only one handgun and one quick access box this should not present any problems if you treat all handgun as if they are loaded. You would then need an addition gun box to transport the handgun to the shooting range.
Usually, a storage box like the Gun Vault works best. It has a push button access code that is easy to use even in dark or dim lite rooms.
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