Michael Rutan

Weapons and Pistols8
Concealed Pistol8
Open carry of firearms8
Firearms and Pneumatic guns10
Pepper Spray13
Firearms Ownership and Possession18
Possession Minimum Age Limits19
Handgun Purchase and Sales Process19
NICS Process - FLL Gun Dealer19
Person to Person Firearms Purchase Process20
Possession of a pistol belonging to another21
Safety Inspection Certificates21
Transporting ammunition and long-guns21
CPL holders – required notifications.21
Possession of Firearms During Hunting Season22
Possession Summary23
Out of State Purchase / Acquisition of Firearms24
What is an FFL Transfer?25
Transporting a Firearm27
2024 New Gun Laws29
State of Michigan Firearms Definitions30
Safe Firearms Storage32
Home and Travel handgun Security Issues33
Gun Storage Options34
Federal Laws and ATF52
Federal Firearms Quick Reference Guide61
Training Location79
Gerald Wrage80
Michigan Laws Mdified 2.pdf39
Deadly Force modified.pdf39
The use of deadly force overview 1.pdf39
The use of deadly force to stop an attack on you or someone else requires that the aggressor present three elements of aggression for you to justify deadly force.39
Of —39
What you should do ---39
Call 91139
What you should not do –39
 Point a firearm at someone to scare or intimidate.39
Modified pages.pdf15
Here are some of the key points of Michigan knife laws.15
assault with a weapon15
Felonious Assault with a Weapon15
Examples of brandishing include the following:16
750.234e Brandishing firearm in public; applicability; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.16
750.233 Pointing or aiming firearm at another person; misdemeanor; penalty; exception; “peace officer defined.”16
Management of aggresive behavior.pdf69
Evade the confrontation:69
Space (Proxemics) and your safety zone69
Officer / Civilian Interview Position70
Voice projection can help control the situation72
To run or to fight72
Attempt to stop a confrontation (but don’t be confrontational)72
Personal Conduct to Minimize Violence73
Perceptual Changes During A Threatening Encounter74
Tunnel Vision.74
Auditory Exclusion74
Time Dilation75
The aftermath of a defensive shooting75
Emotional aftermath of a Defensive shooting75

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