Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links
7R EH FOHDU ZKLOH D 0LFKLJDQ UHVLGHQW LQ SRVVHVVLRQ RI D FRQFHDOHG SLVWRO OLFHQVH IURP DQRWKHU VWDWH LV H[HPSW IURP VHFWLRQ ¶V requirements, possession of that license does not entitle the Michigan resident to carry a concealed pistol in Michigan. Rather, a Michigan resident must obtain a Michigan concealed pistol license to carry concealed in Michigan. MCL 28.425b(7); 28.432a(h). Nonetheless, a Michigan resident with an out-of-state concealed pistol license under section 12(1)(f) may lawfully WUDQVSRUW D SLVWRO LQ D YHKLFOH LQ 0LFKLJDQ EHFDXVH VXFK D UHVLGHQW LV LQ FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK VHFWLRQ E\ YLUWXH RI WKH H[HPSWLRQ in section 12. See MCL 750.227(2); 750.231a(1)(a), (d), and (e). ,W LV P\ RSLQLRQ WKHUHIRUH WKDW D 0LFKLJDQ UHVLGHQW ZKR KROGV D FRQFHDOHG SLVWRO OLFHQVH LVVXHG E\ DQRWKHU VWDWH LV H[HPSW under subsection 12(1)(f), MCL 28.432(1)(f), of the Firearms Act from obtaining a license to purchase, carry, possess, or WUDQVSRUW D SLVWRO DV UHTXLUHG E\ VHFWLRQ 0&/ EXW LV QRW H[HPSW IURP REWDLQLQJ D FRQFHDOHG SLVWRO OLFHQVH XQGHU section 5b, MCL 28.425b, of the Act, in order to carry a concealed pistol in Michigan. Sincerely,
BILL SCHUETTE Attorney General
KWWS 9ROXPHV YRO $JHQFLHV /6% $JHQFLHV /(*$/ ',9,6,21 )LUHDUPV %RRNOHW )LUHDUPV )LOHV IURP /HJDO $* 2SLQLRQ KWPO State of Michigan, Department of Attorney General /DVW 8SGDWHG KWWS RSLQLRQ GDWD¿OHV V RS KWP State of Michigan, Department of Attorney General /DVW 8SGDWHG
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