Opinion No. 7304 June 19, 2018 FIREARMS ACT:
CONCEALED WEAPONS: A resident of another state who holds a license to carry a pistol concealed upon his or her person issued by a state other than 0LFKLJDQ LV H[HPSW XQGHU VXEVHFWLRQ I 0&/ I RI WKH )LUHDUPV $FW IURP REWDLQLQJ D OLFHQVH WR SXUFKDVH carry, possess, or transport a pistol as required by section 2, MCL 28.422, of the Act. A Michigan resident who holds a con FHDOHG SLVWRO OLFHQVH LVVXHG E\ DQRWKHU VWDWH LV H[HPSW XQGHU VXEVHFWLRQ I 0&/ I RI WKH )LUHDUPV $FW IURP REWDLQLQJ D OLFHQVH WR SXUFKDVH FDUU\ SRVVHVV RU WUDQVSRUW D SLVWRO DV UHTXLUHG E\ VHFWLRQ 0&/ EXW LV QRW H[HPSW from obtaining a concealed pistol license under section 5b, MCL 28.425b, of the Act, in order to carry a concealed pistol in Michigan.
State Senator The Capitol
State Representative
The Capitol
Lansing, MI 48909
Lansing, MI 48909
H@[FHSW DV RWKHUZLVH SURYLGHG LQ WKLV DFW D SHUVRQ VKDOO QRW SXU chase, carry, possess, or transport a pistol in this state ZLWKRXW ¿UVW KDYLQJ REWDLQHG D OLFHQVH IRU WKH SLVWRO DV SUHVFULEHG LQ WKLV section .” (Emphasis added). 2 6XEVHFWLRQ SURYLGHV WKDW DQ ³DSSOLFDQW´ ZLOO EH ³TXDOL¿HG´ WR UHFHLYH D ³OLFHQVH´ LI FHUWDLQ criteria are met. MCL 28.422(3). First, the person cannot be the subject of an order or disposition issued under various statutes, including personal pro tection orders, orders requiring involuntary hospitalization, or orders adjudging an individual as legally incapacitated. MCL 28.422(3)(a)(i)-(vii). Second, the person must be “18 years of age or older” or “21 years of age or older” if the “seller is licensed under 18 USC 923,” a federal law. MCL 28.422(3)(b). Third, the person must be “a citizen of the United States or DQ DOLHQ ODZIXOO\ DGPLWWHG LQWR WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV DQG > @ D OHJDO UHVLGHQW RI WKLV VWDWH ´ 0&/ F )RXUWK WKH SHUVRQ must not have a felony or a criminal charge listed in section 5b of the Act, MCL 28.425b, pending against him or her at the time of application. MCL 28.422(3)(d). 3 Fifth, the person must not be prohibited from “possessing, using, transporting, selling, SXUFKDVLQJ FDUU\LQJ VKLSSLQJ UHFHLYLQJ RU GLVWULEXWLQJ D ¿UHDUP XQGHU MCL 750.224f ´ WKH IHORQ LQ SRVVHVVLRQ RI D ¿UHDUP VWDWXWH 0&/ H 6L[WK WKH SHUVRQ ³KDV QRW EHHQ DGMXGJHG LQVDQH LQ WKLV VWDWH RU HOVHZKHUH XQOHVV KH RU VKH KDV EHHQ adjudged restored to sanity by court order.” MCL 28.422(3)(f). Seventh, the person “is not under an order of involuntary com mitment in an inpatient or outpatient setting due to mental illness.” MCL 28.422(3)(g). And eighth, the “person has not been adjudged legally incapacitated in this state or elsewhere. This subdivision does not apply to a person who has had his or her legal capacity restored by order of the court.” MCL 28.422(3)(h). 1 Your request uses the term “handgun.” While federal law uses the term “handgun,” see 18 USC 921a(29), relevant Michigan law uses the term “pistol.” This opinion thus uses the term “pistol.” 2 $ ³SLVWRO´ LV GH¿QHG DV ³D ORDGHG RU XQORDGHG ¿UHDUP WKDW LV LQFKHV RU OHVV LQ OHQJWK RU D ORDGHG RU XQORDGHG ¿UHDUP WKDW E\ LWV FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG DSSHDUDQFH FRQFHDOV LW DV D ¿UHDUP ´ 0&/ L /LNH SLVWROV D VKRUW EDUUHOHG VKRWJXQ RU VKRUW EDUUHOHG ULÀH WKDW LV LQFKHV RU OHVV LQ OHQJWK LV VXEMHFW to section 2, MCL 28.422, or section 2a, MCL 28.422a, whichever is applicable. MCL 750.224b(4). 3 6XEVHFWLRQ E 0&/ E FRQWDLQV DQ H[WHQVLYH OLVW RI PLVGHPHDQRUV WKDW FDQ HIIHFW DQ DSSOLFDQW¶V DELOLW\ WR REWDLQ D OLFHQVH WR SXUFKDVH RU acquire a pistol or a concealed pistol license.
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