Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links
6HFWLRQ D RI WKH $FW H[SUHVVO\ H[HPSWV FHUWDLQ SHUVRQV IURP WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH $FW LQFOXGLQJ (a) A SHDFH RI¿FHU of a duly authorized police agency of the United States or of this state or a political subdivi sion of this state, who is regularly employed and paid by the United States or this state or a subdivision of this state, H[FHSW D WRZQVKLS FRQVWDEOH [Emphasis added.] 8QGHU WKH H[SUHVV WHUPV RI WKLV VHFWLRQ D SROLFH RI¿FHU RU UHVHUYH SROLFH RI¿FHU LV H[HPSW IURP WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH &RQ cealed Pistol Licensing Act, including the prohibition against carrying a concealed weapon in a “gun free zone,” but only if the RI¿FHU SRVVHVVHV WKH IXOO DXWKRULW\ RI D SHDFH RI¿FHU DQG QRW PHUHO\ VSHFLDO RU OLPLWHG ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW DXWKRULW\ DQG LV regularly employed and paid for those services. See OAG, 2001-2002, No 7098, p 74 (January 11, 2002). Your inquiry does QRW VSHFLI\ ZKHWKHU WKH XQLIRUPHG UHVHUYH RI¿FHU LQ TXHVWLRQ SRVVHVVHV WKH IXOO DXWKRULW\ RI D SHDFH RI¿FHU Page 211
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