Support Doc -Firearms laws of michigan with links


(3) The court may order a term of imprisonment imposed under this section to be served consecutively to any term of imprisonment imposed for any other criminal offense arising from the same transaction. History: $GG $FW (II $SU ²$P $FW (II 0DU ²$P $FW (II $SU ²$P $FW (II $XJ ²$P $FW (II $XJ ²$P $FW (II -XO\ ²$P $FW (II $SU ²$P $FW ,PG (II 0DU Constitutionality: 7KH SURYLVLRQ LQ WKH FULPLQDO VH[XDO FRQGXFW VWDWXWH ZKLFK SHUPLWV HOHYDWLRQ RI D FULPLQDO VH[XDO FRQGXFW RIIHQVH IURP D OHVVHU WR D KLJKHU GHJUHH RQ WKH EDVLV RI SURRI RI SHUVRQDO LQMXU\ WR WKH YLFWLP LQ WKH IRUP RI PHQWDO DQJXLVK LV QRW XQFRQVWLWXWLRQDOO\ YDJXH People v Petrella, 0LFK 1: G Compiler’s note: 6HFWLRQ RI $FW RI SURYLGHV “Saving clause. ³$OO SURFHHGLQJV SHQGLQJ DQG DOO ULJKWV DQG OLDELOLWLHV H[LVWLQJ DFTXLUHG RU LQFXUUHG DW WKH WLPH WKLV DPHQGDWRU\ DFW WDNHV HIIHFW DUH VDYHG DQG PD\ EH consummated according to the law in force when they are commenced. This amendatory act shall not be construed to affect any prosecution pending or begun before the effective date of this amendatory act.” F &ULPLQDO VH[XDO FRQGXFW LQ WKH VHFRQG GHJUHH IHORQ\ 6HF F $ SHUVRQ LV JXLOW\ RI FULPLQDO VH[XDO FRQGXFW LQ WKH VHFRQG GHJUHH LI WKH SHUVRQ HQJDJHV LQ VH[XDO FRQWDFW ZLWK DQRWKHU SHUVRQ DQG LI DQ\ RI WKH IROORZLQJ FLUFXPVWDQFHV H[LVWV (a) That other person is under 13 years of age. (b) That other person is at least 13 but less than 16 years of age and any of the following: ( i ) The actor is a member of the same household as the victim. ( ii 7KH DFWRU LV UHODWHG E\ EORRG RU DI¿QLW\ WR WKH IRXUWK GHJUHH WR WKH YLFWLP ( iii ) The actor is in a position of authority over the victim and the actor used this authority to coerce the victim to submit. ( iv ) The actor is a teacher, substitute teacher, or administrator of the public school, nonpublic school, school district, or intermediate school district in which that other person is enrolled. ( v ) The actor is an employee or a contractual service provider of the public school, nonpublic school, school district, or intermediate school district in which that other person is enrolled, or is a volunteer who is not a student in any public school or QRQSXEOLF VFKRRO RU LV DQ HPSOR\HH RI WKLV VWDWH RU RI D ORFDO XQLW RI JRYHUQPHQW RI WKLV VWDWH RU RI WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV DVVLJQHG to provide any service to that public school, nonpublic school, school district, or intermediate school district, and the actor uses his or her employee, contractual, or volunteer status to gain access to, or to establish a relationship with, that other person. ( vi 7KH DFWRU LV DQ HPSOR\HH FRQWUDFWXDO VHUYLFH SURYLGHU RU YROXQWHHU RI D FKLOG FDUH RUJDQL]DWLRQ RU D SHUVRQ OLFHQVHG WR RSHUDWH D IRVWHU IDPLO\ KRPH RU D IRVWHU IDPLO\ JURXS KRPH LQ ZKLFK WKDW RWKHU SHUVRQ LV D UHVLGHQW DQG WKH VH[XDO FRQWDFW RFFXUV GXULQJ WKH SHULRG RI WKDW RWKHU SHUVRQ¶V UHVLGHQF\ $V XVHG LQ WKLV VXEGLYLVLRQ ³FKLOG FDUH RUJDQL]DWLRQ´ ³IRVWHU IDPLO\ KRPH´ DQG ³IRVWHU IDPLO\ JURXS KRPH´ PHDQ WKRVH WHUPV DV GH¿QHG LQ VHFWLRQ RI 3$ 0&/ F 6H[XDO FRQWDFW RFFXUV XQGHU FLUFXPVWDQFHV LQYROYLQJ WKH FRPPLVVLRQ RI DQ\ RWKHU IHORQ\ G 7KH DFWRU LV DLGHG RU DEHWWHG E\ RU PRUH RWKHU SHUVRQV DQG HLWKHU RI WKH IROORZLQJ FLUFXPVWDQFHV H[LVWV ( i ) The actor knows or has reason to know that the victim is mentally incapable, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless. ( ii 7KH DFWRU XVHV IRUFH RU FRHUFLRQ WR DFFRPSOLVK WKH VH[XDO FRQWDFW )RUFH RU FRHUFLRQ LQFOXGHV EXW LV QRW OLPLWHG WR DQ\ of the circumstances listed in section 520b(1)(f). (e) The actor is armed with a weapon, or any article used or fashioned in a manner to lead a person to reasonably believe it to be a weapon. I 7KH DFWRU FDXVHV SHUVRQDO LQMXU\ WR WKH YLFWLP DQG IRUFH RU FRHUFLRQ LV XVHG WR DFFRPSOLVK WKH VH[XDO FRQWDFW )RUFH RU coercion includes, but is not limited to, any of the circumstances listed in section 520b(1)(f). J 7KH DFWRU FDXVHV SHUVRQDO LQMXU\ WR WKH YLFWLP DQG WKH DFWRU NQRZV RU KDV UHDVRQ WR NQRZ WKDW WKH YLFWLP LV PHQWDOO\ incapable, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless. (h) That other person is mentally incapable, mentally disabled, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless, and any of the following: ( i 7KH DFWRU LV UHODWHG WR WKH YLFWLP E\ EORRG RU DI¿QLW\ WR WKH IRXUWK GHJUHH ( ii ) The actor is in a position of authority over the victim and used this authority to coerce the victim to submit. L 7KDW RWKHU SHUVRQ LV XQGHU WKH MXULVGLFWLRQ RI WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI FRUUHFWLRQV DQG WKH DFWRU LV DQ HPSOR\HH RU D FRQWUDFWXDO HPSOR\HH RI RU D YROXQWHHU ZLWK WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI FRUUHFWLRQV ZKR NQRZV WKDW WKH RWKHU SHUVRQ LV XQGHU WKH MXULVGLFWLRQ RI WKH department of corrections. M 7KDW RWKHU SHUVRQ LV XQGHU WKH MXULVGLFWLRQ RI WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI FRUUHFWLRQV DQG WKH DFWRU LV DQ HPSOR\HH RU D FRQWUDFWXDO employee of, or a volunteer with, a private vendor that operates a youth correctional facility under section 20g of the corrections FRGH RI 3$ 0&/ J ZKR NQRZV WKDW WKH RWKHU SHUVRQ LV XQGHU WKH MXULVGLFWLRQ RI WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI corrections. N 7KDW RWKHU SHUVRQ LV D SULVRQHU RU SUREDWLRQHU XQGHU WKH MXULVGLFWLRQ RI D FRXQW\ IRU SXUSRVHV RI LPSULVRQPHQW RU D ZRUN program or other probationary program and the actor is an employee or a contractual employee of or a volunteer with the county RU WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI FRUUHFWLRQV ZKR NQRZV WKDW WKH RWKHU SHUVRQ LV XQGHU WKH FRXQW\¶V MXULVGLFWLRQ ( l ) The actor knows or has reason to know that a court has detained the victim in a facility while the victim is awaiting a trial or hearing, or committed the victim to a facility as a result of the victim having been found responsible for committing an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult, and the actor is an employee or contractual employee of, or a volunteer with, the facility in which the victim is detained or to which the victim was committed.

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