CPL Support and Resouce Guide
The Acc-U-Check Target With the "Acc-u-check" Target System you will be able to --- Develop target acquisition and shot placement skills See and analyze your shooting skills Learn how to keep the shot placement inside the target boundaries Learn how to read your target and correct errors
Learn how natural point of aim can improve and maintain reliable shooting skills Learn how to use the basics of handgun shooting to improve you skills ----- The Acc-U-Check target is designed to do what the name implies – check the accuracy of the shooter. The background is white so as not to distract for the target markings. The Target has horizontal and vertical lines and is divided into 4 quarters. There is 2 circles at the center to show shot group placement. The Edge of the target has a black boarder to show the shooter the edge of the target. Target acquisition - Using your sights The eye works like a camera. You cannot focus clearly on three different distances at the same time. The front sight is your main focal point, the target and rear site will be out of focus. The farther the target is form the front sight the more out of focus the target will be. If a target with a picture is placed down range there is the possibility a new shooter will look at the target not the front sight. Therefore the Acc-u-check target has a white background to reduce the possible of the shooter looking at the wrong focal point To align the sights you must be able to see the front sight. Your goal is to -- (1) identify where you want the shot to hit (2) find the front sight (3) Align the front sight in the rear notch. (4) Align that with your aim point (5) Squeeze the trigger without displacing the sight alignment. Remember to look through your sights at the target not over the sights at the target. Look through the rear sight at the front sight.
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