CPL Support and Resouce Guide


Firearms Rights - Persons convicted of crimes or subject to a PPO 1. There is a personal protection order (PPO) issued against me. Am I prohibited from buying a firearm? Does the PPO affect the firearms that I already own? MCL 28.422 prohibits you from obtaining a License to Purchase a pistol if you have received notice of the PPO and had an opportunity for a hearing. If the judge included in the PPO that you are prohibited from owning or possessing firearms, then it would affect the firearms you already own. Other Weapons (Non-Pistols) 1. In Michigan, can I carry a self-defense spray in my car or on my person for protection? MCL 750.224d Yes, but only if it is either: · Not more than 35 grams of any combination of orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile and inert ingredients (CS gas); or · A solution containing not more than 10% oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray). 2. I recently purchased a double-edged survival knife. Does Michigan law allow me to carry this in my vehicle? MCL 750.227 No. A dagger, dirk, stiletto, or double-edged non-folding stabbing instrument of any length, or any other dangerous weapon, except a hunting knife adapted and carried as such, cannot be carried concealed on or about a person, or whether concealed or otherwise in any vehicle operated or occupied by the person, except in their own home, place of business or on other land possessed by the person. 3. Is it illegal to have a knife with a blade over 3 inches in my possession? MCL 750.226 No. Michigan law specifies that a person, with intent to use the knife unlawfully against another, shall not go armed with a knife having a blade over 3 inches in length. 4. Is a flare gun used as a signaling device on a watercraft required to be registered in Michigan? MCL 28.432b No.

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