CPL Support and Resouce Guide


Concealed Pistol License (CPL) & Renewal 1. What are the requirements to receive a concealed pistol license? MCL 28.425b please see: Requirements to Obtain a Concealed Pistol License 2. How do I renew my concealed pistol license? MCL 28.425l please see: License Renewal for an outlined description for renewal procedures. 3. After receiving my Concealed Pistol License, I moved to a different county within Michigan. Do I need to reapply in the new county? MCL 28.425b No. If a Concealed Pistol License holder moves to a different county within Michigan, his or her license remains valid until it expires or is otherwise suspended or revoked. When your license expires, the renewal of that license will occur in your new county of residence. You may notify the county clerk in the county that issued your license of your new mailing address to ensure that you are notified when your concealed pistol license is about to expire. 4. How old do I have to be in order to apply for a concealed pistol permit? MCL 28.421 Twenty-one (21) years of age.

Information for CPL Holders 1. Are there any places where I may not carry a concealed pistol?

MCL 28.425o Anyone licensed to carry a concealed pistol from Michigan or another state shall not carry a concealed pistol in any of the prohibited premises, unless he or she is exempt under MCL 28.425o(5). For a complete list, please see: Prohibited Premises. Refer to Federal law for federally restricted areas. 2. Does my valid Concealed Pistol License allow me to carry a concealed pistol in a state park? Yes. MCL 324.504 states that the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shall not promulgate or enforce a rule that prohibits a CPL holder from carrying a pistol on property under the control of the DNR.

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