CPL Support and Resouce Guide
5. Is it illegal to possess brass knuckles or billy clubs? MCL 750.224 prohibits the manufacture, sale, offering for sale or possession of a blackjack, slungshot, billy, metallic knuckles, sand club, sand bag or bludgeon.
Federal Firearms Laws 1. Who can I contact with questions concerning federal regulations on pistols? Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Area Supervisor, Compliance, 1155 Brewery Park Boulevard, Suite 300A, Detroit, Michigan 48207-2602. Phone: 313-259-8050.
Firearms Related Questions 1. Is an individual required to carry a copy of his or her Safety Inspection Certificate with him or her at all times? Michigan law does not require a person to have a copy of his or her certificate with his or her pistol after it has been registered; nor does the law require that a person keep a copy. As of January 2009, Safety Inspection Certificates are no longer issued. 2. How should long-guns be legally transported? MCL 750.227d describes that any firearm other than a pistol can only be transported in or upon a motor vehicle or any self-propelled vehicle designed for land travel if the firearm is unloaded and is one or more of the following: taken down, enclosed in a case, carried in the trunk of the vehicle, or inaccessible from the interior of the vehicle.
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