CPL Renewal Study Guide 2-2024
Use of Force 014
9 . T he escalation and deescalation of the use of force chart The basic goal is to use force on force. You are trying to respond to the level of threat with equal force. Wherever that is. The use of deadly force can be used to stop a deadly force threat. The use of non deadly force to stop a non deadly force threat.
Deadly force is at the top level of threat. An active aggressor that presents an imminent threat to life Response: handgun or other weapons and tactics that would result in death or serious bodily injury
Deadly Force
You are trying to respond to the level of threat with equal force. Wherever that is.
Physical threats and assault – active aggressor Response- pepper spray, taser, hands-on self defense
Based on the level of threat
P assive resistance / aggressor – low level encounter. No imminent threat Response: Personal interaction and voice commands
Your response will be influenced by two important factors your training and experience
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