CPL Renewal Study Guide 2-2024
Use of Force 013
What are your use of force op�ons? Most CPL holders limit themselves to the verbal commands and use of a handgun (Deadly Force) as the only weapon they carr y. This can limit their use of force op�ons. Law enforcement is trained in the use of all op�ons. The use of force protocol states a person is required to use the reasonable force necessary to stop the atack. Start at the botom and see how the op�on s escalate as the threat escalates. USE OF FORCE Op�on s 7. Lethal Force - Subject possess an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm to officer or another person. • Firearm 6. Intermediate Force (if unable to gain subject control below) • PR-24 Baton or Other Impact Weapon • Empty Hand Impact stunning • Defensive Tac�cs 5. Restraint Devices Handcuffs and other restraint devices should be applied to a compliant person. 4. Hands on Control • Compliance Techniques • Pressure Point Control Tac�cs • Escort Techniques • Light Subject Control 3. N on -lethal weapons that are legal to own and use by civilians for self defense • Taser • Pepper Spray Products These provide standoff distance subject control up to about 15 feet and help avoid and stop physical contact/ fights and personal injury. 2. Verbal Commands and communica�ons 1. Non -Verbal Communica�on - a person’s presence Fight or Flight Use of Force generally has the follow ing op�ons:
Your Handgun Onl y use of force op�ons
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