CPL Renewal Study Guide 2-2024

Use of Force 012

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Michigan use of Force

Michigan law dictates the use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force Non Deadly Force Deadly Force

Non Deadly or other force Protect people when physical force may be necessary and protect

Deadly Force Protect People only! That are under Imminent threat of ‐  Death  Serious injury  Rape Deadly force weapon Handgun or any weapon, device or action that a would create the threat of death, serious injury (grievous bodily injury) or death.

Non lethal force weapons

Pepper Spray ‐ Listed as a (standalone) weapon not connected to the CPL . Tazer ‐ Must have a CPL, training and registration/ activation of the weapon .

The use of force is not an exact science and there are many things that could cause 2 people to use different methods of self defense. It is a decision that only the person can make and it will have the most consequences of any decision you can make. Get it right and you may live to defend yourself in a civil lawsuit and fight another day. Get it wrong and it could cost you your life or being charged with a crime that could long term severe consequences.

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