CPL Renewal Study Guide 2-2024

Use of Force 008

The Elements of the use of Deadly Force

The use of deadly force to stop an attack on you or someone else requires that the aggressor present three elements of aggression for you to justify deadly force. The aggressor must have the -- A –Ability O - Opportunity – to put you in imminent J- Jeopardy Of — x Death x Serious Injury x Forcible Sexual Penetration The aggressor must demonstrate the intent or will to carry out the attack Deadly force can only be used to protect people , you or another person under like circumstances. Deadly force cannot be used to protect property from theft or destruction The intent is self-defense only. x Not Anger x Not Revenge What you should not do --

Shot at a fleeing suspect or aggressor Attempt to take law enforcement action Chase people Shoot at a motor vehicle Shoot to wound Shoot warning shots Shoot to kill - Your motive is to shoot to stop the threat / attack

x x x x x x

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