CPL Renewal Study Guide 2-2024

Manual Format Blue underlined text is linked to a page, document, or video. Clicking on a table of contents underlined blue link will take you to the topic page(s) Clicking on a page blue link will take you back to the table of contents. Highlighted text is sometimes used to emphasis content . The Process: 1. Page through the module sections to get good overview of the module material. 2. Complete each study module in the order listed at the beginning of each module. 3. Complete and submit study module written test. 4. The test will be corrected and returned to the test taker. Answers to the test questions are found in the study guide content text and video. The page where the correct answer is found will be noted on the corrected test, along with additional notes if necessary.

Document Module Contents 1. State Laws • Pages Mi laws 1- 49 • One video 2. Federal Law • Pages 53 - 65 • 40 question law test link at end of Module. 3. Use of Deadly Force in Self Defense • Pages 67 – 90 • 20 question test link at end of module. • 5 videos 4. Range Safety and Shooting Skills • pages 92 - 114 • 20 question Test link at end of module • 6 videos

5. Semi Auto Shooting Skill Training Aid pages 116 - 130

6. Instructor 7. Training Location

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