CPL Renewal Study Guide 2-2024
MI Laws 023
w eapons and The CPL
6HF $ SHUVRQ VKDOO QRW FDUU\ D GDJJHU GLUN VWLOHWWR D GRXEOH HGJHG QRQ IROGLQJ VWDEELQJ LQVWUXPHQW RI DQ\ OHQJWK RU DQ\ RWKHU GDQJHURXV ZHDSRQ H[FHSW D KXQWLQJ NQLIH DGDSWHG DQG FDUULHG DV VXFK FRQFHDOHG RQ RU DERXW KLV RU KHU SHUVRQ RU ZKHWKHU FRQFHDOHG RU RWKHUZLVH LQ DQ\ YHKLFOH RSHUDWHG RU RFFXSLHG E\ WKH SHUVRQ , (except in his or her dwelling house, place of business or on other land possessed by the person.) (2) A person shall not carry a pistol concealed on or about his or her person, or, whether concealed or otherwise, in a vehicle operated or occupied by the person, (except in his or her dwelling house, place of business, or on other land possessed by the person), without a license to carry the pistol as provided by law and if licensed, shall not carry the pistol in a place or manner inconsistent with any restrictions upon such license. 0&/ DOVR PDNHV LW D IHORQ\ IRU D SHUVRQ WR FDUU\ D FRQFHDOHG SLVWRO RQ RU DERXW KLV RU KHU SHUVRQ XQOHVV WKH SHUVRQ LV H[HPSW XQGHU 0&/ RU 0&/ D &RPSOHWH LQYLVLELOLW\ LV QRW UHTXLUHG 7KH FDUU\LQJ RI D SLVWRO LQ D KROVWHU RU EHOW RXWVLGH WKH FORWKLQJ LV QRW FDUU\LQJ D FRQFHDOHG ZHDSRQ Does my valid Concealed Pistol License allow me to carry a concealed pistol in a state park?
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