CPL Renewal Study Guide 2-2024

MI Laws 020


What you should know about other state CPL gun laws Does the state have r HFLSURFLW\ with Michigan ? What are there gun free zones 7UDQVSRUWLQJ rules Concealed FDUU\ UXOHV Police contact and traffic stops

Check States Here at USCCA website It is also good advise to check the states website that you plan to carry a pistol in .

At present, States shaded in blue will not honor the Michigan CPL. We recommend that anytime you travel to or through another state, you contact that state's website. (See Georgia as example) and ascertain whether or not they'll honor your permit and find out what if any additional restrictions that state imposes. Remember: when you carry in another state, you still have to recognize their rules and their off-limits areas just as people from other states have to do when they come he re .

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