CPL Renewal Introduction and Registration.
Michigan Concealed Pistol Renewal Program
Introduction and Registration
Renewal Training Manual
Shooting Skills an d Range Safety
Use of Force in Self Defense
T 3 e asy-to- use modules you will need to know
Handgun Training Specialists 556 Tennyson, Rochester Hills, Mi. 483 07 248-309-9579
Concealed Pistol Renewal Training Program Save Time - Save Money - Learn more
This is your one resource for the Michigan CPL renewal training requirements
We have assembled all the material you need into three easy- to-use study modules.
Our renewal program meets and exceed the renewal training requirement.
Our program allows the student to choose from 3 options:
Part one contains the three self-study downloadable modules .
Each module contains a study manual study with support documents, videos and written test. The applicant can complete this at their own pace.
Each module has a written test to assess the persons knowledge of the topic.
We separate the part one content into three individual modules that helps the user to identify their strengths and weakness regrading each topic. This helps eliminate confusion or a misunderstanding of using and applying the practical application of the module content. Part one is completed when the student submits the 3 tests to our office for review and correction. The results will be sent back to the applicant with a certificate of completion for the 3 hours of required training. This meets the 3 hours of required review training Part Two is a Zoom virtual classroom session. (optional but highly recommended) Here is where we meet to go over the written tests, answer questions and review the one-hour course of live fire. Part Three is one-hour live fire: ( Required with or without instructor ) The important part is the applicant’s ability to meet the minimum CPL shooting skill requirements with their carry handgun . (Not included in registration fee).
CPL Renewal Document Table of Contents CPL Renewal Training Requirements Student Support Section CPL Renewal Course Manual Use of Force Module Range Safety and Shooting Skills Covid-19 Policy Instructor and Attorney
CPL Application Form
Procedure: Review document and return here to register and download study material Its easy- Renewal Program Registration Fee: $ 60.00 Click on REGISTRATION complete the form and Make Payment When payment is complete you will be automatically redirected to the complete set of Online documents ready to download to your computer and start training. Included with the course registration fee: The 3 Module Study Program Test corrected to 100% and returned to applicant
CPL Renewal Certificate of completion Virtual Classroom Session Register Questions or comments Phone and text 248-309-9579 E mail: protectsystems@sbcglobal.net Information request form
Student Support Section With links to the most used website
Most used websites Michigan attorney general Michigan Legislature Michigan State Police Homeland Security Us Customs and Border Patrol
Oakland County - Clerks Offices 248-858-0571 1200 N Telegraph Rd Pontiac, MI 48341
Wayne County MaComb County LaPeer County Genesse County St Clair County MSP Contact Section
MSP - Contact Phone Numbers Firearms: 517-241-1917 Concealed Pistol License: 517-284-3700 Michigan State Police
CPL Specific Content
Study Guide Manual
State and Federal CPL Content Specific Study Manual
Michigan CPL training program --------------------------------------------------------- 1 Concealed pistol application form ----------------------------------------------------- 2-3 Concealed pistol application procedure ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Handgun purchase procedure ---------------------------------------------------------- 6-9 Pistol Free Areas -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-11 Safe Storage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Carry Under the influence------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Possession of another person’s handgun -------------------------------------------- 13 Proper conduct during encounters with the police -------------------------------- 14 Reciprocity ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 -16 Michigan handgun transportation laws -------------------------------------------------17 Weapons and the CPL -------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Michigan State Parks -------------------------------------------------------------------------18 State of Michigan Firearms Definition -------------------------------------------------- 19 Stand Your Ground Module ---------------------------------------------------------- 20 - 28 Federal Laws NFA Firearms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 National Park System -------------------------------------------------------------------------30 Guide to The Interstate Transportation of Firearms –-------------------------31- 36 The Interstate purchase and sale of firearms ----------------------------------------37 Youth Handgun Safety Act Notice -------------------------------------------------- 38 -39 ATF Regulations-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40– 45 Self Defense Definitions – Honest and Reasonable-------------------------------------------------------------- -46 - 49 "Clean hands" Doctrine ------------------------------------------------------------------ 50 Case law - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 Attorney General’s opinion--------------------------------------------------------------- 50 Court Opinions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50 Jury Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 Selected Firearms Laws of Michigan------------------------------------------------- 79 Our Staff - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPL Specific module written test- 30 questions
8VH RI Deadly )RUFH in Self Defense
Use of Deadly Force in Self Defense 20 page Manual Table of Contents 1. Concealed Carry and Self Defense
2. The Elements of the use of Deadly Force 3. Basic Rules of Deadly Force Engagement 4. The Use of Force and subject control 5. Force on force and the escalation of force 6. The use of force continuum 7. The reaction gap and the use of deadly force 8. Use of force Options Example 1 Example 2 9. T he escalation of the use of force char t 10. Public Acts 309 – 314 of 2006 comprise the “Self-Defense Act.” 11. General Provisions of the Self Defense Act 12. The Rebuttable Presumption 13. There is no duty to retreat if the following four factors are present 14. Responsibility after Using Force 15. Your Constitutional Rights 16. Self Defense Jury Instructions 17. Factors that influence the decision to use a firearm for self defense
18. Self Defense Definitions 19. The Clean Hands Doctrine 20. The first responder
20 question Written test
Range Safety and Shooting Skills Table of Contents
Basic Range Safety Rules NRA Fundamentals of Shooting Skills Basic HandgunShootingFundamentals The process of sight alignment and sight picture Self DefenseTechniques The Acc-u-check target system Renewal Course of Fire
Handgun Safety and Shooting Skills written test - 15 question
CPL Renewal Training Requirements A n application to renew a CPL may be submitted to the county clerk, through the CPL renewal website www.michigan.gov/cplrenewal, or by first class mail to the MSP, not more than six months before, nor one year after, the expiration of the current CPL. Please make check payable to “State of Michigan.” The mailing address is: Michigan State Police Attn: Concealed Pistol License Unit P.O. Box 30634 Lansing, MI 48909 A CPL is valid until the applicant's date of birth that falls not less than four years or more than five years after the license is issued or renewed. CPL holders will be notified that their license is approaching expiration by their county clerk between three to six months prior to the expiration of their current license. Upon paying the renewal application and license fee of $115, the applicant will be issued a receipt. If renewed prior to expiration, this receipt, when carried with the expired license, shall serve as a valid CPL until the new license or notice of statutory disqualification is received. For the purposes of Michigan law, the receipt is considered to be part of the CPL until a renewal is issued or denied. Possession of this receipt and expired CPL does not exempt the holder from the requirement to obtain a license to purchase a pistol or exempt a firearms dealer from running a background check prior to the sale of a pistol. An application is considered a renewal if the applicant has previously received a CPL in compliance with the training requirements set forth in Michigan law effective July 1, 2001, and the previous license has not been expired more than one year. An applicant applying for a renewal is not required to have fingerprints taken again if the applicant's fingerprints have been submitted to and are maintained by the MSP. Fingerprints have been maintained by the MSP since January 1, 2006. The applicant shall sign the statement on the application certifying that he or she has completed at least three hours of review of the required training and has had at least one hour of firing range time in the six months immediately preceding the renewal application. See application form
$UH \RX D 8 6 FLWL]HQ" D $UH \RX D /HJDO ,PPLJUDQW $OLHQ" E $OLHQ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ 1XPEHU F &RXQWU\ RI &LWL]HQVKLS D $UH \RX ODZIXOO\ UHJLVWHUHG WR YRWH LQ 0LFKLJDQ" 1R E $UH \RX RQ DFWLYH GXW\ VWDWXV ZLWK WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV $UPHG )RUFHV VWDWLRQHG RXWVLGH RI 0LFKLJDQ EXW \RXU KRPH RI UHFRUG LV LQ 0LFKLJDQ" F $UH \RX RQ DFWLYH GXW\ VWDWXV ZLWK WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV $UPHG )RUFHV SHUPDQHQWO\ VWDWLRQHG LQ 0LFKLJDQ EXW \RXU KRPH RI UHFRUG LV RXWVLGH RI 0LFKLJDQ" 1R II. Type of License: &KHFN WKH ER[ QH[W WR WKH W\SH RI OLFHQVH WKDW DSSOLHV WR WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ Standard – $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU 6WDQGDUG /LFHQVH Emergency – 3HUVRQDO 3URWHFWLRQ 2UGHU 2EWDLQHG Emergency – 6KHULII Renewal – ,I UHQHZLQJ DQ H[LVWLQJ 6WDQGDUG OLFHQVH FRPSOHWH WKH UHQHZDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG FHUWLILFDWLRQ EHORZ 1. Renewal Information D ([SLUDWLRQ 'DWH RI &XUUHQW &3/ E &RXQW\ RI ,VVXDQFH F 1DPH RQ 3UHYLRXV /LFHQVH G &3/ 1XPEHU 2. Renewal Certification , FHUWLI\ WKDW , KDYH FRPSOHWHG DW OHDVW WKUHH KRXUV RI UHYLHZ RI WKH UHTXLUHG WUDLQLQJ DQG KDYH KDG DW OHDVW RQH KRXU RI ILULQJ UDQJH WLPH LQ WKH VL[ PRQWKV LPPHGLDWHO\ SUHFHGLQJ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ 6LJQDWXUH 'DWH III. Survey: $QVZHU \HV RU QR WR WKH IROORZLQJ TXHVWLRQV +DYH \RX HYHU EHHQ FRQYLFWHG RU DGMXGLFDWHG DV D MXYHQLOH RI D IHORQ\ LQ WKLV VWDWH RU HOVHZKHUH" 1R 'R \RX KDYH D IHORQ\ FKDUJH SHQGLQJ LQ WKLV VWDWH RU HOVHZKHUH" 1R 5, 0LFKLJDQ 6WDWH 3ROLFH 3DJH RI III. Survey (continued) $QVZHU \HV RU QR WR WKH IROORZLQJ TXHVWLRQV . +DYH \RX EHHQ FRQYLFWHG RU DGMXGLFDWHG DV D MXYHQLOH RI D PLVGHPHDQRU YLRODWLRQ RU KDYH D PLVGHPHDQRU FKDUJH SHQGLQJ RI DQ\ RIIHQVH OLVWHG LQ 6HFWLRQ $ RI WKH &3/ *XLGH LQ WKH HLJKW \HDUV LPPHGLDWHO\ SUHFHGLQJ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ" +DYH \RX EHHQ FRQYLFWHG RU DGMXGLFDWHG DV D MXYHQLOH RI D PLVGHPHDQRU YLRODWLRQ RU KDYH D PLVGHPHDQRU FKDUJH SHQGLQJ RI DQ\ RIIHQVH OLVWHG LQ 6HFWLRQ $ RI WKH &3/ *XLGH LQ WKH WKUHH \HDUV LPPHGLDWHO\ SUHFHGLQJ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ" 'R \RX KDYH D SHUVRQDO SURWHFWLRQ RUGHU DJDLQVW \RX RU KDYH \RX EHHQ UHOHDVHG E\ D MXGJH RU D GLVWULFW FRXUW PDJLVWUDWH VXEMHFW WR SURWHFWLYH FRQGLWLRQV" +DYH \RX HYHU EHHQ IRXQG JXLOW\ EXW PHQWDOO\ LOO RI DQ\ FULPH RU RIIHUHG D SOHD RI QRW JXLOW\ RI RU EHHQ DFTXLWWHG RI DQ\ FULPH E\ UHDVRQ RI LQVDQLW\" $UH \RX QRZ RU KDYH \RX HYHU EHHQ VXEMHFW WR DQ RUGHU RI LQYROXQWDU\ FRPPLWPHQW LQ DQ LQSDWLHQW RU RXWSDWLHQW VHWWLQJ GXH WR D PHQWDO LOOQHVV" 'R \RX KDYH D GLDJQRVHG PHQWDO LOOQHVV WKDW LQFOXGHV DQ DVVHVVPHQW WKDW \RX SUHVHQW D GDQJHU WR \RXUVHOI RU DQRWKHU UHJDUGOHVV RI ZKHWKHU \RX DUH UHFHLYLQJ WUHDWPHQW IRU WKDW LOOQHVV" 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R $UH \RX XQGHU D FRXUW RUGHU RI OHJDO LQFDSDFLW\ LQ WKLV VWDWH RU HOVHZKHUH" 1R +DYH \RX HYHU EHHQ GLVKRQRUDEO\ GLVFKDUJHG IURP WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV $UPHG )RUFHV" 1R +DYH \RX FRPSOHWHG WKH WUDLQLQJ UHTXLUHG IRU D QHZ &3/ GRFXPHQWDWLRQ PXVW EH SUHVHQWHG ZLWK WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ OR KDYH \RX FHUWLILHG DERYH WKDW \RX KDYH FRPSOHWHG WKH UHTXLUHG UHYLHZ DQG ILULQJ UDQJH WLPH IRU D UHQHZDO RI \RXU OLFHQVH" 1R $UH \RX D UHWLUHG SROLFH RIILFHU RU UHWLUHG ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RIILFHU" $UH \RX H[HPSW IURP SURKLELWHG SUHPLVHV SXUVXDQW WR 0&/ 1R R" ,I \HV DFFHSWDEOH SURRI PXVW EH SURYLGHG WR WKH 1R FRXQW\ FOHUN SXUVXDQW WR 0&/ E D V. Agreement and Certification %\ VLJQLQJ EHORZ \RX DFNQRZOHGJH WKH IROORZLQJ VWDWHPHQWV DUH WUXH x , KDYH UHDG WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHG RQ FDUU\LQJ D FRQFHDOHG SLVWRO DQG REWDLQLQJ D 0LFKLJDQ &3/ , PHHW DOO WKH FULWHULD IRU REWDLQLQJ D &3/ DQG , GR QRW KDYH D KLVWRU\ RI PHQWDO LOOQHVV WKDW ZRXOG GLVTXDOLI\ PH IURP REWDLQLQJ D &3/ XQGHU WKH )LUHDUPV $FW 3$ DV DPHQGHG x , JLYH DXWKRULW\ WR WKH 063 WR DFFHVV DQ\ UHFRUG QHHGHG WR SHUIRUP LWV UHTXLUHG YHULILFDWLRQ WKURXJK WKH /DZ (QIRUFHPHQW ,QIRUPDWLRQ 1HWZRUN /(,1 DQG WKH 1DWLRQDO ,QVWDQW &ULPLQDO %DFNJURXQG &KHFN 6\VWHP 1,&6 x , XQGHUVWDQG WKDW P\ SHUVRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG ELRPHWULF GDWD EHLQJ VXEPLWWHG E\ /LYHVFDQ ZLOO EH XVHG WR VHDUFK DJDLQVW LGHQWLILFDWLRQ UHFRUGV IURP ERWK WKH 063 DQG )%, IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI YHULI\LQJ P\ HOLJLELOLW\ WR REWDLQ D &3/ , KHUHE\ DXWKRUL]H WKH UHOHDVH RI P\ SHUVRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU VXFK SXUSRVH DQG UHOHDVH RI DQ\ UHFRUGV IRXQG E\ WKH 063 x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x I understand that intentionally making a false statement on this application is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than four years or a fine of not more than $2,500, or both. x , KDYH EHHQ SURYLGHG ZLWK D FRS\ RI WKH FRPSLODWLRQ RI WKH )LUHDUPV /DZV RI 0LFKLJDQ FUHDWHG E\ WKH /HJLVODWLYH 6HUYLFHV %XUHDX DQG IRUPV WR DSSHDO DQ\ QRWLFH RI VWDWXWRU\ GLVTXDOLILFDWLRQ RU VXVSHQVLRQ RU UHYRFDWLRQ RI D OLFHQVH XQGHU WKLV DFW Applicant's Name and Signature ,I FRPSOHWLQJ WKLV IRUP LQ SHUVRQ GR QRW VLJQ XQWLO LQVWUXFWHG E\ WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN RU KLV RU KHU UHSUHVHQWDWLYH 7KLV GRHV QRW DSSO\ WR renewal DSSOLFDWLRQV LI WKH FRPSOHWHG IRUP ZLOO EH VXEPLWWHG E\ PDLO RU HOHFWURQLFDOO\ 'DWH Witness’ Name, Title, and Signature ,I FRPSOHWLQJ WKLV IRUP LQ SHUVRQ WKH ZLWQHVV ZLOO EH WKH &RXQW\ &OHUN RU 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH $ ZLWQHVV VLJQDWXUH LV QRW QHFHVVDU\ IRU renewal DSSOLFDWLRQV LI WKH FRPSOHWHG IRUP ZLOO EH VXEPLWWHG E\ PDLO RU HOHFWURQLFDOO\ 'DWH When used as a new application, return the completed unsigned form and documentation of required training to the county clerk's office. A passport quality photograph must be submitted if a digital photograph is not on file with the Michigan Secretary of State. COVID-19 Policy and Procedure Statement Handgun Training Specialists 248-309-9579 COVID-19 Range Procedures We use two ranges for live fire training x The Pontiac Lake Recreation Area (outdoor range) x Accurate Range in Clarkston Mi. (indoor range) (Outdoor range is preferred weather permitting) Safety Procedure: 1. Face masks must always be in use when social distancing cannot be maintained 2. Body temp checks are taken at training location before allowed on the range. 3. Consider anything you touch that could have been handled by another person as contaminated. This would include: x Door handles x Range operating equipment x Tables and chairs Wash hands immediately after range time. We supply the following safety equipment: x Hand Sanitizer x Surface wipes x Goggles that fit over glasses x Contactless digital infrared thermometer x UV decontamination surface wand 6XUIDFH 89 GHFRQWDPLQDWLRQ VFDQQHU &DQ EH XVHG WR GHFRQWDPLQDWH DQ\WKLQJ EXW SHRSOH Instructor and Attorney Gerald Wrage: Owner NRA Firearms Instructor NRA Range Safety Officer NRA Law Enforcement Instructor Firearms Law and Use of Force Instructor Former law enforcement and training sergeant Crime Prevention Specialist Michael S. Klockow, Esq Attorney and Counselor Concealed Pistol Arrests and Violations Firearms legal issues Gerald Wrage – Brief Autobiography 30 years of experience as a professional instructor and training program development. Skill Set and Job Experience NRA Certified Firearms Instructor NRA Certified Range Safety Officer Former NRA Law enforcement handgun and shotgun instructor OCSD - R eserve officer, Reserve Training Sargent, and Park Deputy Securitas Security Services : Director and chief instructor of armed officer division. Job description included : Handgun Training, Pepper Spray, Defensive Tactics, Handcuffing and ASP Baton. Huffmaster Associates – Private Investigations and Security Special work assignments that required an armed PI and Bodyguard/personal protection details. Owner of Protect Systems Training Academy : Civilian, Security Guard and Law enforcement training. Only civilian owner and operator a Law enforcement grade shooting simulator. With use of force and training in the use handguns, rifles, shotguns, pepper spray and tasers. A Partial list of Training and Education Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. Reserve Police Academy I n-service training programs MCOLES approved training for Basic Firearms and Police Shotgun Instructor certification Detroit Police Academy - crime prevention school. The University of Louisville's National Crime Prevention Institute with special training in crime prevention and security. The Lethal Force Institute - training in the use of deadly force by civilians in self defense. The National Criminal Justice Training Council - Law enforcement use of force Instructor. Schoolcraft Collage Law Enforcement Division - In-service Firearms and Police Shotgun Instructor certification course Expert witness testimony and depositions, with experience in misdemeanor and felony charges and prosecution. Concealed Pistol expert witness testimony regarding concealed pistol Laws, legal Liability, and the use of a firearm in self-defense.
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