CPL Renewal Digital Document

3. Basic Rules of Deadly Force Engagement Use only the reasonable force necessary to stop the attack You are in fear of your life- There is an imminent threat of --

• Death • Serous injury • Rape You can protect other people as you would yourself under like circumstances – use extreme caution and consider all the people involved and other issues. Protect People - not property. Do not leave a safe place (such as a house) to go outside to look or investigate Do not shoot at a fleeing felons unless necessary to save a life. Do not shoot a vehicles. You are not shooting to wound - not shooting to kill – you are shooting to stop the attack You shoot until the threat is stopped. There is no minimum or maximum rounds. Identify target – you are reasonable for each bullet you fire Target hit area is center mass Retreat or give ground when safe to do (although not required if you are using justifiable self-defense under the self-defense act of 2006) but a recommended course of action.


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