CPL New Shooter Intruduction and Registration Guide
CPL training designed with the emphasize on handgun operation and shootining skills.
Michigan Concealed Pistol Training
Introduction a nd Registration Guide __________________ Personal Cost Effective Training for the new shooter
Learn more in this Guide
Date 5 - 25 -202 4
"NRA Personal Protection in The Home" Concealed Pistol Course State of Michigan approved training course and instructor
All information in one easy to use 1 55 Page - 7 part manual
This course meets the Michigan CPL training requirement set forth in "The Firearms Laws of Michigan" section 28.425j, Pistol training or safety program . Each part designed and dedicated to explain a specific part of the Michigan CPL training program prescribed in section 28.425j, 1. NRA Requirements 2. State Firearms laws and legal Liability 3. Federal and ATF Laws 4. Avoiding Criminal Attack and Controlling a Violent Encounter 5. Use of Deadly Force for Self Defense 6. Handgun Operation Shooting Skills - designed specifically for the New Shooter
Questions and Comments Phone and text 248-309-9579 E mail: protectsystems@sbcglobal.net
Document Table of Contents
The Personal Training Concept CPL Study Guide Introduction The Training Process
Class Registration and Payment
Training Modules Module One - NRA
Module 2 - State Firearms Law and Legal Liability
Module 3 - Federal and ATF Laws
Module 4- Avoiding Criminal Attack
Module 5 – Use of Deadly Force in Self Defense
Module 6- Handgun Training and Shooting Skills
Training Location and Instructor
Personal Training Concepts:
Convenient training format allows you to proceed at your own pace. Not committed to a time limited class where all proceed at the same pace. Training that is based on individual attention to each person’s needs One instructor guides the student though the entire process assuring continuity of training. Training is done in “best use order of training” that allows the CPL applicant to gain the maximum benefit of each module. Each person or (group that register together) is considered a separate training class and can stay together throughout the training process. No other people in class. You start on your time and finish on your time. In Short, it’s all about YOU!
CPL Study Guide Introduction
T he content serves as a study guide and reference document for the initial CPL applicant. We have collected all the information you need for the CPL program in one easy to use document . We teach the NRA Personal Protection in The Home Course (PPITH) for the Michigan CPL The course and instructor are certified for the Michigan Concealed pistol license training. The Study Guide has 6 modules that contain the training requirements for the Michigan CPL under MCL section 28.425j pistol training or safety program (1) NRA,
(2). Michigan laws (3) Federal Laws
(4) Avoiding Criminal Attack and Controlling (5) Use of Deadly Force in Self Defense (6) Handgun Safety and Shooting Skills
Creating seven modules allows the user to focus on a specific topic. Each module contains a written test to evaluate the user knowledge of the content. The logic of testing is simple but very important. The test is a valuable tool that allows the applicant to measure their knowledge of a specific module of training.
Modules are presented in our easy to use visual bookshelf format. Read more in this document.
The training process: This is a 4 part and 3 day training process. Total Time approximately 15 hours. 24/7 registration - Your training starts when you register and download the Online CPL training manual. This is a 1 10 -page , 6 -part manual that contains the training requirements under Michigan section 28.425j, Pistol training or safety program. Each module has its own written test. Part 1 . Download t h e Study C PL Class manual . This is an important part that helps the student prepare parts 2 and 3. of the training process. Complete enclosed written the test and submit to our office. I will correct the tests and return to the applicant. When the module tests are completed . I will notify you to set up a zoom virtual classroom. Written tests are designed to evaluate student knowledge before virtual classroom. Part one has no time limit - Study at your own pace. Estimated time to complete this section including written test is about 6 - 8 hours .
Part 2. Zoom virtual classroom training: 4 .0 - hour session - Day 1 • Review module written tests and explain incorrect answers. • Present State required course content in PowerPoint, PDF, and video. • Legal presentation by CPL attorney • Explain core requirements for the Michigan CPL
Part 3. Handgun Operation and Shooting Skills. - Day 2 Preparation for live fire range. This is h ands on c lassroom t raining - 5 .0 hours
In person classroom training that is a key element for all shooters. Especially new shooters, those with little background in handgun shooting or have purchased a new handgun - The student will learn: • H andgun operat ion • T he fundamentals of shooting skills. • Handgun Cleaning • Practice the concealed pistol course of fire shooting using our Glock laser handgun Part 4. 2.0 - 3.0 hours Live Fire range - Day 3 (The total scheduled time is about 4.0 hours) 1. The student will learn and demonstrate live fire shooting skills 2. The student will shoot the CPL course of fire This is usually divided into 2 parts with breaks between 1 and 2 .
Personal Class Registration Fees
One person: $250 .00 Additional person is 175.00 Registration fee includes the following:
• 1 70 -page CPL study manual • Instructor Fees • Zoom virtual classroom • In person classroom • One hour range time of $30.00
Range equipment included in fee:
• Eye and ear protection • The use of a handgun • .22 Ruger semi auto • Glock 19 9mm semi auto
For new shooters that do not own a handgun we suggest the use of our Ruger 22 semi auto handgun See 9 minute video below
The registration fee do e s not include the addition cost of range time beyond one hour and ammunition costs. One hour range fee $ 30.00. This can very based on applicant shooting Skills. The classroom range preparation session is deigned to minimize range cost and help produce a confident and safe shooter. Ammunition - costs will very based on caliber and quantity. • The student will fire approximately 100 rounds of ammunition • The cost is based on the caliber of handgun to be used and if the ammunition is supplied by the student or purchased at the gun range. • Ammo fees can range from $9.00 for .22 to $ 24.00 for 9mm and 38 spc. for a 50 round box
CPL Range Shooting Skills The new shooter needs to consider the following when shooting a CPL course of fire. The state of Michigan does not require the shooter to qualify with a specific caliber handgun. Michigan law allows the student to demonstrate CPL qualification shooting skills with any type of handgun. The main goal of the CPL range time is to shoot a CPL qualification course of fire. New shooters will find the .22 semi auto is the least expensive to shoot and the easiest to shoot the qualification course of fire. New shooters with a new handgun may require addition time to become competent in the use of their handgun. The Classroom Range Preparation Module will provide the new shooter with the fundamentals of handgun operation and shooting skills. For new shooters d ividing live fire into two blocks of training will prove to be best approach. 1. Learn to shoot 2. Shoot the CPL course of fire
Module -1
NRA Study Module Includes The Following :
NRA Personal Protection In The Home video above – 60 min
NRA The Mindset of Handgun Self Defense - pdf 65 slides
NRA Shooting skill PowerPoint Lessons - 1. The Basics of Pistol Shooting 2. Ammunition and the Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting 3. Firing The First Shots 4. S coring targets and selecting and maintain your pistol
NRA Specific - 25 Questions Module Completion Time : Approx 3.0 hours
Module 2
CPL Specific Firearms Law and Legal Liability
CPL Specific content includes the following: • A 7 0 - page study document • Support documents • Videos • Links to most used website • 5 0- question written test Module time including written test: 3.0 hours.
Here you will learn: • CPL S tate L aws • General Firearms Law • Legal updates
CPL Specific Content State CPL Video with updates -Run time 14 min CPL Application Requirements Training Program Content CPL Application Process Prohibited Premises Proper conduct when in contact with the police Carry Under the Influence Possession of another person’s handgun Weapons and the CPL
Concealed Carry VS Open Carry Brandishing a Firearm in Public Reciprocity Safe Firearms Storage Home and Travel handgun Security Gun Storage Options Handgun Ownership and Possession H andguns Straw Purchase
Handgun Purchase process Pistol Sales Record Form Out of State Purchase / Acquisition of a Handgun FFL Firearms Transfer Transporting a handgun Transporting long guns Poss ession of Firearms during hunting Season The Rules of Self Defense The elements of deadly force Self Defense and Jury Instructions The Michigan Self Defense Act 309-314 Responsibility After Using Force Deadly Force MFAQ Michigan Legal update System The legal Update Process Michigan Legal Update and Support websites Tasers Firearms and Pneumatic guns Pepper Spray Possession of a Mechanical Knife Michigan CPL MFAQ
Module 7 hr HH Federal and AT F Laws
Introduction Document
13 Page Document
Federal Table of Contents 1 . National Park System 2. Youth Handgun Safety Act 3. Guide to the Interstate Transportation of Firearms 4. Carry on Person 5. Transportation by Automobile 6. Interstate Controls
7. National Firearms Act 8. Gun Control Act of 1968 9. ATF- MFAQ The Interstate Purchase/ Sale and Transportation of firearms
Completion Time: 30 min
Module 4
Avoiding Criminal Attack and Controlling a Violent Encounter
A voiding Criminal Attack and Controlling a Violent Encounter Table of Contents:
How to ---- Avoid – Evade -Escape – Respond to a criminal attack The Principles of Personal Protection in Public Areas Space (Proxemics) Zones of safety from a potential threat How to use the police officer interview position to enhance your safety The police color code of preparedness Voice projection to help control the situation Fight or Flight syndrome The dos and don’ts of Personal Conduct to Minimize Violence Home Safety and Self Defense Controlling and intruder Physiological Reactions to A Life-threatening Encounter 15 question Test
Completion Time: 30 min
Module 5
8VH RI Deadly in Self Defense
2- minute introduction video
Deadly Force Self Defense
Module Content:
• 20 page manual • Support documents • Videos • Written Test Total module time including test: 1.0 hours Here you will learn --- Concealed Carry Self Defense Deadly Force Decision Making The Use of Force and subject control Responsibility after Using Force The use of pepper spray in self-defense The use of a taser in self defense Your Constitutional Rights
Use of Force Manual Table of Contents This is a 20-page document including a written test
Document Contents: Introduction Deadly Force and self-defense Using a firearm for personal protection is a right that must be exercised responsibly. The Elements of the use of Deadly Force Deadly Force Decision Making – Practice “what if situations” Deadly Force and Self Defense Using Your Handgun In Self Defense The use of Force Continuum and self Defense Options The Escalation of use of force chart Michigan use of Deadly and Non-Deadly Force The Reaction Gap and the use of Force Factors that influence the decision to use a firearm for self defense Use of Force Definitions (The language of self -defense) Written Test
CPL Module 6
Handgun Operation and Shooting
3 -2023
Self-Directed Shooting Skills
Table of Contents Shooting Range Safety Rules The Fundamentals of Marksmanship and Shooting. Muscle memory skills and Repetitive Tasks How to place your shots on the target The Natural and Neutral Shooting Position The process of using the sights to hit the target
Sight Alignment and Errors Self Defense Shooting Skills • Point and Shoot • Flash Sight Picture • Accurate Sight Alignment
Center Mass Warning Shots and Shooting to Wound
Danger to Others Shooting at Vehicles Cover and Concealment Center Mass Acc-U-check Target System
Acc-ucheckTarget CPL Course of Fire CPL renewal live fire certificate of completion Semi Auto Training Aid Written Test Link
New Shooter Handgun Training Aids For The Concealed Pistol Applicant
Handgun Training Specialists 248-309-9579
Shooting Skills 019
Module 7
Semi Auto Handgun Training Aid
Handgun Training Specialists 248-309-9579
'DWH 2 2 3
Shooting Skills 020
Training Aid Table of Contents
Shooting Positions • The Weaver Position • The Isosceles Position • The natural and Neutral Position
Semi Auto Handgun Grip Trigger finger placement Pistol Shooting Shot Placement Correction Chart Shooting Skill Improvement Tips Shooting Skill Accessories
Semi Auto Specific Video
5 videos that will help explain the operation of the semi auto handgun. Total run time is 17 min
Shooting Skills 021
Shooting Positions
Shooters body 45 degrees to target
Strong arm pushed out straight
Weak arm bent at elbow and pulled straight back to avoid pulling handgun off alignment
Shooting Skills 022
The weaver Stance
D. Tuck support side arm in and pull against strong hand
C. Push strong side straight out to the target
A. Stand 45 degrees to the target with strong side leg froward.
Shooting Skills 023
Fig B
Fig A
Fig C
Fig D
Shooting Skills 024
+RZ WR SODFH \RXU VKRWV RQ WKH WDUJHW WKH ILUVW WLPH DQG HYHU\ WLPH \RX VKRRW $OLJQ WKH FHQWHU RI \RXU ERG\ ZLWK WKH FHQWHU RI WKH WDUJHW :LWK WKH KDQGJXQ KHOG LQ ERWK KDQGV SXVK \RXU KDQG RXW WR IRUP DQ LVRVFHOHV WULDQJOH )RUP D OLQH EHWZHHQ \RXU H\H WKH WDUJHW %ULQJ WKH KDQGJXQ XS WR WKDW OLQH DQG DOLJQ WKH IURQW VLJKW ZLWK WKH UHDU DQG SODFH LW RQ WKH FHQWHU RI WKH WDUJHW 3ODFH WKH FHQWHU RI WKH WDUJHW DW H\H OHYHO $OLJQ WKH FHQWHU RI \RXU ERG\ ZLWK WKH FHQWHU RI WKH WDUJHW Shooting Skills 025 dŚĞ EĂƚƵƌĂů ĂŶĚ EĞƵƚƌĂů ^ŚŽŽƚŝŶŐ WŽƐŝƚŝŽŶ Target Front Sight Rear Sight Eye Side View Arms pushed forward in the natural and neutral position. Overhead View Shooter 6HPL DXWR +DQGJXQ *ULS Shooting Skills 026 Weaver Stance Grip The Weaver Stance claw slide Grip - rear view The Weaver Stance Pistol Grip The Weaver Stance claw slide Grip Shooting Skills 027 $ VHPL DXWR KDQGJXQ WKDW DOORZV a WKUHH ILQJHU JULS ZLOO SURYLGH EHWWHU JULS FRQWURO 7KH KDQGJXQ VKRXOG EH SODFHG LQ WKH VKRRWLQJ KDQG VWUDLJKW ZLWK WKH DUP DQG XVHG DV D QDWXUDO H[WHQVLRQ RI WKH DUP $ KDQGJXQ ZLWK D QDWXUDO SRLQWLQJ JULS ZLOO DOORZ \RX WR EH DEOH WR JULS WKH JXQ ZLWK \RXU WULJJHU ILQJHU SDUDOOHO WR WKH VOLG 7KLV FUHDWHV WKH DELOLW\ WR SRLQW DQG VKRRW ZKHQ WKH XVH RI WKH JXQ VLWHV PD\ QRW EH SRVVLEOH Shooting Skills 028 Overhead view of the natural pointing strong hand grip Overhead view of the two handed grip Shooting Skills 029 For a two-handed grip the weak hand thumb should be under the strong hand with both under the slide. The strong hand should be pushed up under the the dovetail of the slide. Allowing the strong hand grip to be placed above the dovetail can result in "SLIDE BITE" . Slide bite is when the corner of the slide comes back over your hand a rips a gash in the top your hand. Shooting Skills 030 Trigger finger placement Selecting the Handgun to fit your hand will have a direct impact on how well you will shoot the gun. Just like shoes you buy a pair to fit your feet for the way you will use the shoe. Place the handgun in your strong hand and align it as a natural extension of your arm. The trigger finger should be able to be placed on the trigger midway between the end of the finger and the first joint. The goal is to pull the trigger straight back into your grip hand. See Fig A below Figure B usually results when the handgun trigger distance is too short, and the shooter will place the trigger finger too far across the trigger creating a pull off center to the right to the right. &ŝŐƵƌĞ Đ an result when the trigger distance is to long and the trigger can only be reachedby the tipofthe finger causing the handgun to be pulled to the left. FigA FigC FigB FigA FigB FigC Shooting Skills 031 3LVWRO 6KRRWLQJ 6KRW SODFHPHQW &RUUHFWLRQ &KDUW Shooting Skills 032 ^ŚŽŽƚŝŶŐ ^Ŭŝůů /ŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ dŝƉƐ Practice all the fundaments of shooting at home or in the range. “Laser bullets” are inexpensive and you never run out of ammo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hooting Skills 033 Shooting Skill Accessories x Save Time and Money and Learn More x Maintain and improve current skills. x Learn new skills. x Reduce costs. Ammunition and Firearms are all but impossible to find. But that should not keep the handgun owner from training. Snap Caps: Protects the firing pin system during dry fire practice. Practice loading and unloading. Used to help identify shooting errors such as flinching. Used in fail to fire drills. Used in “ball and dummy” drills. 7UDLQLQJ RSWLRQV XVHG WR LPSURYH KDQGJXQ RSHUDWLRQ DQG VKRRWLQJ VNLOOV Practice muscle memory skills, such as grip, drawing from a holster and trigger finger control. Training Location and Instructors Protect Systems Training Academy DBA Handgun Training Specialists T raining Location Office and Training Location Address 556 Tennyson Rochester Hills, Mi. 48307 248-309-9579 6559 Dixie Highway Clarkston, Ml 48346 Phone: 248-625-3551 Gerald Wrage 248-309-9579 phone and text Gerald Wrage: Owner and Instructor NRA Firearms Instructor NRA Range Safety Officer Firearms Law and Use of Force Instructor Former law enforcement and training sergeant Former NRA Law Enforcement Instructor Crime Prevention Specialist Expert witness testimony and depositions Michigan Concealed Pistol expert witness testimony Gerald Wrage 30 years’ experience as a professional instructor and training program development . Skill Set and Job Experience NRA Certified Firearms Instructor NRA Certified Range Safety Officer Former NRA Law enforcement handgun and shotgun instructor OCSD - R eserve officer, Reserve Training Sargent, and Park Deputy Securitas Security Services : Director and chief instructor of armed officer division. Job description included: Handgun Training, Pepper Spray, Defensive Tactics, Handcuffing and ASP Baton. Huffmaster Associates – Private Investigations and Security Special work assignments that required an armed PI and Bodyguard/personal protection details. Owner of Protect Systems Training Academy : Civilian, Security Guard and Law enforcement training. Only civilian owner and operator a Law enforcement grade shooting simulator. With use of force and training in the use handguns, rifles, shotguns, pepper spray and tasers. Expert witness testimony and depositions, with experience in misdemeanor, felony charges and prosecution. Concealed Pistol expert witness testimon y regarding concealed pistol Laws, legal Liability, and the use of a firearm in self-defense. Weapons violation education and training programs for Michigan Probation Departments • Reserve Police Academy • In-service training programs • Schoolcraft Collage Law Enforcement In-service Firearms and Police Shotgun Instructor certification course Detroit Police Academy - crime prevention school. The University of Louisville's National Crime Prevention Institute with special training in crime prevention and security. The Lethal Force Institute - training in the use of deadly force by civilians in self-defense. The National Criminal Justice Training Council - Law enforcement use of force Instructor. Partial list of Training and Education Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. Legal Support Attorneys and Counselors Jim Makowski 6528 Schaefer Dearborn, MI 48126 Telephone : 313.434.3900 Criminal Defense Concealed Pistol and Weapons Violations Gun Board Appeals Michael S. Klockow, Esq 2550 South Telegraph Rd. Suite 106 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Phone: 248-390-3564 Attorney and Counselor Concealed Pistol and Weapons Violations Firearms legal issues Handgun Training Specialists 556 Tennyson Rochester Hills Mi 48307 Call or text 248-309-9579 E mail: jerry@handguntrainingspecialists.com
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