CPL Intruduction and Registration Guide

The training process: This is a 3 day instructor / student process. D oes not include self study part one. 24/7 registration - Your training starts when you register and download the Online CPL training manual. This is a 155 -page ,7-part manual that contains the training requirements under Michigan section 28.425j, Pistol training or safety program. Each module has its own written test. Part 1 . Download t h e Study C PL Class manual . This is an important part that helps the student prepare parts 2 and 3. of the training process. Complete enclosed written the test and submit to our office. I will correct the tests and return to the applicant. When the module tests are completed . I will notify you to set up a zoom virtual classroom. Written tests are designed to evaluate student knowledge before virtual classroom. Part one has no time limit - Study at your own pace. Estimated time to complete this section including written test is about 6 - 8 hours .

Part 2. Zoom virtual classroom training: 4 .0 - hour session - Day 1

• Review module written tests and explain incorrect answers. • Present State required course content in PowerPoint, PDF, and video. • Legal presentation by CPL attorney • Explain core requirements for the Michigan CPL

Part 3. Handgun Operation and Shooting Skills. - Day 2 Preparation for live fire range. This is h ands on c lassroom t raining - 5 .0 hours

In person classroom training that is a key element for all shooters. Especially new shooters, those with little background in handgun shooting or have purchased a new handgun - The student will learn: • H andgun operat ion • T he fundamentals of shooting skills. • Handgun Cleaning • Practice the concealed pistol course of fire shooting using our Glock laser handgun Part 4. 2.0 - 3.0 hours Live Fire range - Day 3 (The total scheduled time is about 4.0 hours) 1. The student will learn and demonstrate live fire shooting skills 2. The student will shoot the CPL course of fire This is usually divided into 2 parts with breaks between 1 and 2 .

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