CPL Intruduction and Registration Guide

The Training Process and "YOUR BOOKSHELF" The content is presented in our exclusive cloud-based BookShelf document management system. What is YOUR BOOKSHELF? Documents are digitally produced use Flipping Book Software. The documents are then uploaded to the Flipping Book cloud storage and retrieval systems called " YOUR BOOKSHELF" . As the name implies this a storage location for a specific user. Your Bookshelf ( library) provides the user an easy-to-use visual presentation of the documents placed in their BookShelf. The user of the documents is assigned one unique link that allows the person access to their Bookshelf. When a document is uploaded to their Bookshelf the user is sent an e mail notice of a new document. This method keeps documents out of e mail content and there is no chance of missing a module. The CPL bookshelf contains the 155 -page study guide presented as separate topics in 7 easy to use modules . When a user elects to register for the CPL class and the fee is processed the user will be redirected to the bookshelf. The user can open and use the documents on the Bookshelf cloud or download as a PDF document to their computer. Downloading documents do not remove the original. BookShelf Presentation Advantages Convenience : The CPL applicant can complete online content at their own pace allowing them to continue with personal and work needs. Save computer storage space: No need to downlod to your computer is storage size is an issue No lost documents : The documents are not lost in e mail content. E mail filters - filters can be set that might block certain names such as firearm, guns, and weapons etc. from opening a website or document. With the BookShelf method the user is opening a nondescript link allowing that access to their Bookshelf, which then allows access to the documents.

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